Monday, December 12, 2011

Taking food on the plane !!

Hi we are flying to orlando on saturday and because we decided not book inflight meals we will need to take some food for the journey !. ( 9 hours is a long time without food ) . I%26#39;m just wondering has anybody else took their own food on the plane ? could you give me some ideas of what to take ? there is 4 of us ! i know from other people you can%26#39;t get your drinks untill you get through departures thanks for any advice !

Taking food on the plane !!

So surprised to hear your airline charges you extra for food on a trans-atlantic flight, even Thomas Cook have provided it as a free service!

You will really need to take your food in a chiller bag as there is not alot savory apart from crisps you can take on board that isn%26#39;t chilled %26amp; it it gets too warm, which is a likely scenerio you could all end up getting ill %26amp; ruining your holiday!!!

Only suggestions i can give is sandwiches, salad, pasta or coucous pot, biscuits %26amp; cake.

Trouble is if you buy all this at the airport shops it will be pretty pricey %26amp; if you bring from home or your local supermarket, how do you know if you are going be delayed for hours at the airport, in which case your ice-packs will have pretty much defrosted by then!

Sorry to sound so negative but i think it is perhaps false economy, plus think of how much extra hand luggage weight this will cause!!

Taking food on the plane !!

lauralou is right, is there any way you could contact the airline and amend this?

Otherwise you will be taking up valuable space in your hand luggage too.

I have done this before, mainly flying US airlines that no longer serve meals such as United. On a 5 hour flight from Hawaii connecting to a 5 hour flight to DC it was too far to go(they still serve meals on transatlantic flights). I brought a chill bag with a selection of sandwiches, grapes, biscuits, crisps (cookies and chips-USA) and even a package of supermarket ahi sushi. Drinks we bought on board or in the airport after security.

Thanks for all your replies ! I know we perhaps should have just paid for meals! oh well ! will perhaps buy items which don%26#39;t need to be kept chilled from supermarket and then get sandwiches from airport ! the fact that we are having to travel up late on friday stay at the travellodge at glasgow airport ready for flight on saturday at 11 am doesn%26#39;t help !

Like lauralou I am surprised you have to pay for food on a long haul flight. Usually all food and drinks are free. I would ring the airline and make sure this is right.

On internal US flights everyone seems to board with hands full of sandwiches and drinks, but I have never seen anyone in the UK on a long haul with their own food.

When we went with Thompson%26#39;s they allowed us to take our own food. and for those with allergies like nut allergies this is a good point.

So we all had nut allergies? know what I mean..

We bought 2 little cooler bags from Asda the kind that will hold 6 cans. Made sandwiches the night before wrapped in foil and put in a zip sealer bag then place these and the cooler bag close to the freezer unit in the fridge overnight and fill the rest of the space with chilled fruit . we Only put them in the cooler bag and zipped them up the very last thing before we left home. And put them into your carry on bag. If you dont combine both they wont let you take more then One piece of carry on luggage per person.

These were still cold when we were eating them flying over New York.

We have always taken sandwiches on the plane regardless of whether in-flight meals are included as the food is often so terrible! If you buy pre-packed ones from a supermarket or wherever the day before you go and leave them in the fridge until the last moment they should be fine for most of the flight.

I wouldn%26#39;t book in flight meals out of choice either - Thomas Cook wanted 拢15 per person last year which is so expensive for the rubbish you actually get (although we managed to negotiate them for free in the end but that%26#39;s another story...!). Fruit and crisps, biscuits etc as suggested above sound like a good idea too.

Have just realised you are staying in a hotel the night before so you won%26#39;t be able to keep food in a fridge. Not sure what shops are at the airport up there, but if there is a Boots they usually have a decent seclection of sandwiches etc for pretty reasonable prices - think their meal deal is 拢2.49 (?) which would get you a drink %26amp; crisps/bar of chocolate etc aswell.

The very first thing to do is to call the airlines you are taking directly and ask them for sure what kinds of foods if any you can take. I do know most airlines in the US have very limited foods you can take now due to possible terrorists tatics (liquids, gels, etc) I always used to take a paper cooler sack ( like the ones they put ice cream in at the grocery). It is about the size of a lunch bag and I put whatever we wanted in. Now I can%26#39;t. Suggestions for you if they allow it would be: Beef or any kind of jerky, little prepacked peanutbutter or cheese crackers, apples,banana,cookies,pretzels,peanuts, or any prepacked snacks that are non perishable. It isn%26#39;t the healthiest way but nothing would spoil that way and it would keep you from getting too hungry before you land. Best wishes to you.


Vikki G - Thomas Cook used to charge extra for meals on long-haul but now from May 2007 they provide it free of charge as standard as well as soft drinks. They are copying airlines like Virgin by providing complimentary 4 course main meal %26amp; a hot snack, free headsets %26amp; complimentary newspapers %26amp; just like Virgin free icecream or popcorn during the movie presentations.

They must be worried about the competition!

I received my bag

It%26#39;s a cute little back pack type with tripadvisors and the owl very nice for my trip in August

I received my bag

where are you so others might know-only MA people have gotten theirs yet.

I received my bag

South Jersey

Shoot ... it is really just trickling down the country. Might be Christmas before they get to Florida.


A trenton boy perhaps?

Nope a Ocean City,New Jersey Girl

Ahh, I%26#39;ve actually been there lol!

my rels are in Belleville and Wayne.

So, I%26#39;m thinking the NY/PA/NJ crowd will be geting theirs soon.

The weekends are crazy now it;s like a total zoo

So Poker, do you laugh at the Disney Boardwalk?

I used to go to OC, MD all the time when I was young. Loved it, but it%26#39;s nothing like.

No not really cause every place is beautiful if it%26#39;s away from the Island and the people are so much nicer away from here

Wahhhh I havent gotten my bag yet!!!

  • migrating existing portal
  • Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

    Done a bit more research and whittled my choices down to the above two accomodations.

    Anyones stayed at either ? As stated in previous post, am concerend that Mystic Dunes is quite a way out.

    (6 adults no children going - usual theme-parks)

    Thanks in advance for any opinions :-)

    Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

    If you have a car, Mystic Dunes is no more than 10 minutes from WDW. It used to be a Wyndham Resort and is but a mile away from all the shops etc. on hwy 192 West of I-4.

    Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

    Don%26#39;t know anything about Mystic Dunes, but the Marriott Cypress Harbour is no less than fabulous !!

    its not that far out really, and it is easily accessed by the 192,mystic dunes is easy to get on the 192 its a straight road that takes you a few minutes if you have a car you can be at disney in 5-10 mins depending on which park you want,


    Hi - first trip to Floriday - June 14th.

    Usually have all inclusive, laze around the pool type holidays so this should be a great adventure for us!

    We have 14 day Disney Passes and 3 day 3 park passes for Universal - should we plan our days before we go or just get up in the morning and see what we fancy?

    Any ideas and tips would be most welcome!

    My 7 year old is a Star Wars freak and we MUST do the Star Wars Weekend at least once durng our stay!


    We always plan our trip in advance down to the finest detail. Its half the fun. And as 10 going need to give everyone a say. But nothing is written in stone. Sometimes things need to be swapped around due to weather. Always leave rest days so can do sun bathing, shopping, water parks etc.


    I agree that you should have some kind of a plan. Here is some info to help you. Extra Magic Hours are for those who stay at the Disney resorts so if you%26#39;re staying at Floridays it might be best to plan to go to the park that doesn%26#39;t have EMH. (people at the resorts tend to go on these days) Here is the list for June:

    June 2007

    Morning Extra Magic Hours

    Magic Kingdom - 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28

    Epcot - 3, 10, 17, 24

    Disney-MGM Studios - 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29

    Animal Kingdom - 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30

    Evening Extra Magic Hours

    Magic Kingdom - 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29

    Epcot - 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28

    Disney-MGM Studios - 6, 13, 20, 27

    Animal Kingdom - 4, 11, 18, 25

    Disney-MGM Studios

    Star Wars Weekends - Every weekend in June.

    Celebrity attendees for 2007 have been announced. The list, subject to change of course, includes:

    June 1-3 -- Warwick Davis (the Ewok Wicket in Return of the Jedi and Wald in The Phantom Menace) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2)

    June 8-10 -- Ray Park (the Sith apprentice Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace) and Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones)

    June 15-17 -- Jeremy Bulloch (bounty hunter Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) and Peter Mayhew (Wookiee Chewbacca in the original trilogy, and again in Revenge of the Sith)

    June 22-24 -- Anthony Daniels (protocol droid C-3PO throughout the Star Wars saga) and Bonnie Piesse (Beru in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith)



    Disney Dreams Come True Parade

    June 1-30 -- 3:00 p.m.


    June 1-3, 6, 9, 16, 20, 23, 30 -- 9:00 p.m.

    June 4-5, 7-8, 10-15, 17-19, 21-22, 24-29 -- 9:00 p.m. %26amp; 11:00 p.m.


    June 1-30 -- 10:00 p.m.


    IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth

    June 1-30 -- 9:00 p.m.


    Stars and Motor Cars Parade

    June 1-30 -- 3:00 p.m.


    June 1, 4, 6, 8-9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29 -- 9:00 p.m. %26amp; 10:30 p.m.

    June 2-3, 5, 7, 10-12, 14, 16-17, 19, 21, 23-24, 26, 28, 30 -- 9:00 p.m.


    Mickey%26#39;s Jammin%26#39; Jungle Parade

    June 1-30 -- 4:00 p.m.

    What a great list above!

    anyway Twent I would go with a plan. Plan to go to your chose park early to beat the lines. Inset a rest day every so often and do a water park or 2. But don%26#39;t feel to rigid about your plan, leave romm for flexibility. ~After 6 days or so you will feel the burn out coming on big time.

    Thanks Novalobster you certainly know your stuff - that list is fab!

    We are going to sit down after lunch and prepare an itinery - my 7 year old is so excited - think it is best we sit down as a family and not just tell him where he is going (if that would ever happen - we know who wears the trousers in this house)!!!

    Moving to the waterparks - silly question time - can you hire towels or do you need to take your own?

    The pool around the hotel provides towels and I am trying to cut down on luggage by not taking any unnecessary items!

    There is some serious shopping to do. After reading posts on this site we have decided to take enough clothes for the first few days and buy everything else over there - $19 Levis etc - I love a bargain!

    I usually shop around for cheap towels here or there and feel if i only pay a few dollars then i can afford to leave them behind. Have come in handy during a thunderstorm.

    I always plan a year in advance so I could have everything down packed and no problems and you%26#39;ll have fun at Floridays

    I can%26#39;t remember about the towels, but I%26#39;m thinking no- you have to bring them. Been to waterparks elsewhere since I was last at one in Disney. But, your hotel may have towels you can use, but that depends on where you stay. and some villas may have them too. If you are at an inexpensive hotel say on Idrive, you will need to bring some.

    I will be there same time as you, but w/o my kids so I don%26#39;t think our paths will cross somehow lol. Think Malls and property inspections. Have fun, and get back to us with your plan and we can tweak it for you.

    hi Novalobster,

    can you please tell me if there is a list of the extra disney hours for july and august and where i can get them.



    Twent, you can rent towels at the Disney waterparks for $1. each. At Floriday%26#39;s you are between two Outlet Malls, Lake Buena Vista Outlet on 535 and Premium Outlets just a minute or two on Int Drive.

    As you have a 14 day ticket, don%26#39;t be tempted to cram 18 hour days in at Disney. You%26#39;ve plenty of flexibility to spend 3-4 hours a day back at the hotel pool when everyone else is getting stressed out. Believe me, I speak from experience. You%26#39;ll enjoy the days at the parks much more if you can split them into manageable chunks.

    2 teenage boys 15 and 13 1st trip how to make it special

    We want to make this trip special as im sure we will only be able to afford it once.

    how do u make it still fun for 15mand 13 yr old

    2 teenage boys 15 and 13 1st trip how to make it special

    You posted in the general Florida forum - first trip to where in Florida?

  • benefit
  • walking distance - Mystic Dunes


    Could somebody confirm that ther is literally nothing within walking distance of Mystic Dunes of the restaurant/fast tfood/ shop variety ?

    Thanks :-)

    walking distance - Mystic Dunes

    That%26#39;s correct , as far as I know, unless something has been built since last summer. The resort is also so spread out that it%26#39;s not easy to walk anywhere within the place, let alone outside it.

    walking distance - Mystic Dunes

    the 192 is roughly 2 miles(maybe a bit less) away from mystic dunes so it is a bit far to walk unless you are super fit.........

    forgot to mention that in the resort you can use the golf buggies to get around, you just phone reception and they send one for you

    It%26#39;s one mile from the property entrance on Old Lake Wilson Rd. to hwy 192. From that point on 192 you have any number of restaurants and shops, going East or West.

    thanks jsmamby (sorry if i have got your name wrong but when you reply you can%26#39;t see it)

    my issue is , there wil be six of us , 4 that cannnot drive and 2 that like their beers in the evening, so neither of them will want to drive at night!!! As i am used to staying on I-drive i have been spoilt for eating and drinking opportunities. I have no problem in paying for a couple of cabs , its just that the only area i know is I-drive , which would be very costly in cabs for a two week holiday. Our other option is Marriott cypress Harbour (we have a timeshare to use up) but half the group are smokers and Marriot are non-smoking - but i still think the Marriott location would be more suitable for us as the I -ride trolley has a bus stop right down th bottom of I-drive that i thought we could jump on .


    thanks for that., that could swing it for the Mystic then :-) I am quite happy with the Quality Inn International , but that wasn%26#39;t one of the timeshare options ! :-)

    Happy Mother's Day

    Hello all of you PCB posters I know it has nothing to do w/ PCB but i just wanted to wish everybody an early Happy Mother%26#39;s Day Have a safe and fun weekend

    Happy Mother's Day

    Thank you, Mrs. Nelson! The very same back to you. I%26#39;m so thankful to be a mom!

    Happy Mother's Day

    Mrs. Nelson,

    Happy Mother%26#39;s Day to you also. I have one child home with the stomach virus so I should probably be getting it myself around Mother%26#39;s Day (lol).

    Happy Mother%26#39;s Day to you too MrsNelson and to the rest of our posters who are Mother%26#39;s. May you all have a wonderful %26amp; blessed Mother%26#39;s Day!!!! A special Mother%26#39;s Day wish goes out to Lilbunnygirl on her very first Mother%26#39;s Day.


    Awww thank you GaGirl! I%26#39;m starting mine nice and early at almost 4 am with a hungry not-quite 3 week old :)

    Happy mother%26#39;s day to all the mommies out there!

  • Cats