Monday, December 12, 2011


I was wondering what the day and night time wear is in Florida, I assume mosty casual shorts and tshirts during the day but what about night, any help appreciated!


What month are you going?


Going Last Week in Aug/1st Week ept

I presume your not actually from Orlando, Florida as this would be a really silly question! haha!

T-shirts and shorts will be the norm during the day and you can wear the same sort of clothes for most restaurants (unless they have a dress code). If you normally get bitten by mozzies then I would cover up or wear some DEET. It will still be very humid during the evenings though!

Nights in Aug are stll hot...I always bring casual clothes. Yeah shorts, tshirts, halter tops, but also wear a simple sundress or skirt too. Like to get a breeze too. ;-)

Thats if your a female....hee hee.

Husband pretty much wears his light weight golf clothes night and day except at the pool or beach.

Sorry should have said I am from the UK!

You should change your Location to UK/Orlando or some such, if you want to have some connection with Orlando.

Hi staying on I Drive the same two weeks as you, we were her last year in Aug / Sept, warm, Humid and dont forget your brolly.

We have been to Orlando a few times at this time of year and we have never needed a jacket/jumper/cardigan in the evenings as it is still very warm. You will definately need light clothing during the day as it will be absolutely boiling!!

Have fun.

Jill ; )

I agree with all previous posters, but as I%26#39;ve said to my wife fifty times, you couldn%26#39;t possibly wear all of the clothes that you pack so don%26#39;t get carried away with the luggage, but I%26#39;m afraid my advice usually falls on deaf ears.

Shorts ,shorts and nothing but

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