Monday, December 12, 2011

Review of our first time KW trip


I just wanted to give an update on our first-time trip to kw after getting helpful info from you all on this forum. I had such a good time! I can%26#39;t wait to go back. We didn%26#39;t even do that much over the four days but just soaking in the atmosphere was wonderful!

We stayed at the Southernmost Hotel. It worked out fine for what we needed. I reviewed the hotel elsewhere on the site. It was a good walk to the rest of Duval St.. Ok, but next time I would just rent a bike for the whole trip. However, we were grateful for the free hotel parking since we had driven from Miami where we had stayed the weekend before. We rented bikes/scooters from a place across the street from the hotel on Duval. Very reasonable rates compared to other places.

Our first evening we just walked up Duval and checked out the shops. We loved all the interesting art galleries we saw there and elsewhere during our trip. The sunset celebration at Mallory Sq. was fun to do once but we didn%26#39;t go back again. The Holiday Inn rooftop was a nice place to watch too. During our stay we also visited a museum near the Square that had the history of Key West and a Hemmingway exhibit. The museum was very interesting. We also saw the Truman Little White House although we didn%26#39;t take the tour. It was fun reading about what all they did when Truman was there. After a horrible meal the first night at Crabby (**)(TA didn%26#39;t let me spell the name here- massive confusion resulted in us eating there), we at the Deli Restaurant for lunch the next day. It was super good. I got a huge fresh veggie omelette with sides for $5! We went back for bfast our last morning. We also saw the cemetery at the center of town. Definitely could of used a bike there! We ate at a very good sushi place in a quiet courtyard near our hotel called Origami. We also had good meals at Lobos%26#39; Mixed grill and Mangia Mangia. My favorite restaurant was Banana Cafe because of the calming veranda seating as I ate a Nutella and banana crepe with good coffee. Bliss.

One day we drove to Bahia State Park. The beach is very beautiful but you seem to need to bring your own umbrella. Otherwise the shade is in a covered picnic table area. I also checked out the Butterfly Conservatory which is an instant mood-lifter but was pricy ($10). However, it seemed to go to a good cause so I didn%26#39;t mind.

Overall, however, I have to say my favorite memory is walking down Duval, checking out the art shop displays with a frozen key lime pie on a stick. Chocolate was dripping all over me but I couldn%26#39;t be more relaxed. So thanks again for the info and hopefully I can review another trip down there soon!

Review of our first time KW trip

Sounds like you had a good first trip. I try to steer people away from Crappy D!cks. It%26#39;s a horrible clip joint.

Next time you get to KW, try venturing off Duval. That%26#39;s where you will find the real KW. You mentioned that you saw Truman%26#39;s Little White House. It%26#39;s worthwhile to take the tour. It is quite good, if sometimes rushed. There is a lot of history in that house.

When you decide to go back to KW, let us know. There are a lot of people who can give good info, especially the local KW folks. I%26#39;ve learned a lot just visiting this site.

Review of our first time KW trip

gointochile wrote:

We didn%26#39;t even do that much over the four days but just soaking in the atmosphere was wonderful!

DING DING DING we have a winner! I love to see that line, I really do.

The Key West Art %26amp; Historical Society is that big red brick building and IMO it%26#39;s a better time than Mel Fisher%26#39;s or the aquarium.

The exhibit is Fishing, Friends and Family in Key West and is full of photos from the 30%26#39;s. If you ever wanted to see a photo of Sloppy Joe Russell, this is it. Samples are 3/4 of the way down.


I%26#39;m with Taxi... soak it up! Now that%26#39;s what I call a relaxing vacation!!

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