Monday, December 12, 2011

Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

Done a bit more research and whittled my choices down to the above two accomodations.

Anyones stayed at either ? As stated in previous post, am concerend that Mystic Dunes is quite a way out.

(6 adults no children going - usual theme-parks)

Thanks in advance for any opinions :-)

Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

If you have a car, Mystic Dunes is no more than 10 minutes from WDW. It used to be a Wyndham Resort and is but a mile away from all the shops etc. on hwy 192 West of I-4.

Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

Don%26#39;t know anything about Mystic Dunes, but the Marriott Cypress Harbour is no less than fabulous !!

its not that far out really, and it is easily accessed by the 192,mystic dunes is easy to get on the 192 its a straight road that takes you a few minutes if you have a car you can be at disney in 5-10 mins depending on which park you want,

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