Monday, December 12, 2011

Is Miami worth visting at this time ?

Hi there - would love some info on what one can expect with the weather and vibe in Miami over the second half of this month (May).

Have never been to Miami before and had 2 weeks off to visit - would love to know if May is a good period to visit for a vacation - i do hear that Huricane season is here - would that mean constant rain and generally gloomy conditions ?

I dont mind a bit of rain as long as it doesnt take away from the vibe and cheerful atmosphere of the city

Any advice would be appreciated.


Is Miami worth visting at this time ?

Well, you are in luck Hurricane Season doesn%26#39;t begin till June1st and June isn%26#39;t the most active months. Well we are suppose to start rainy season any day, rainy season, usually happens in the afternoon (3p.m. till 7 p.m. sbut we can have a full day of rain later in the season) from the heat build up over the everglades. I think you will be fine on the rain front, still in May.

But the problem we are having for the last week and a half is the smoke in the area from the fires in the state and Georgia. There are 233 fires as of today buring in Florida alone. Even though there are no fires in Miami-Dade County, it has been really smokey, from the fires in other parts of the state and Georgia, all the way to here in Miami. Many people have been have respritory issues because it has been pretty think. Some places in the county have gotten to below .5 mile visibility.

The sunrises have been pretty because of the heavy smoke, the sun is a pretty orange ball. The sunsets however have been hit or miss, last night there was so much smoke at the ground level that the sun was blocked totally from view. This is what you need to worry about more so than the rain.

Is Miami worth visting at this time ?

Well, you are in luck Hurricane Season doesn%26#39;t begin till June1st and June isn%26#39;t the most active months. Well we are suppose to start rainy season any day, rainy season, usually happens in the afternoon (3p.m. till 7 p.m. sbut we can have a full day of rain later in the season) from the heat build up over the everglades. I think you will be fine on the rain front, still in May.

But the problem we are having for the last week and a half is the smoke in the area from the fires in the state and Georgia. There are 233 fires as of today buring in Florida alone. Even though there are no fires in Miami-Dade County, it has been really smokey, from the fires in other parts of the state and Georgia, all the way to here in Miami. Many people have been have respritory issues because it has been pretty think. Some places in the county have gotten to below .5 mile visibility.

The sunrises have been pretty because of the heavy smoke, the sun is a pretty orange ball. The sunsets however have been hit or miss, last night there was so much smoke at the ground level that the sun was blocked totally from view. This is what you need to worry about more so than the rain.

Yikes !!! that sounds crazy - any chance on this clearing up anytime soon ?

I did hear the weather report is for rain the next couple of days - will that help ?

I wish it would clear up as I have asthma issues, so I have been staying doors to avoid the smoke. We are expected to get some rain, but with thunderstorms which comes with lightning which can start more fires. So rain is good, but thunderstorms are no good.

It cleared up for a few hours last Friday, the wind came out of the south where the fires weren%26#39;t, so we had clear air for a few hours, until the wind came back from the west or north with the smoke. It is pretty crazy the smoke is so thick they can see it from space and from satellite images, kind of like sand storms...We need to do the rain dance, minus thunderstorms though. I expect it to be smokey for the next week at the very least if not longer.

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