Monday, December 12, 2011

Taking food on the plane !!

Hi we are flying to orlando on saturday and because we decided not book inflight meals we will need to take some food for the journey !. ( 9 hours is a long time without food ) . I%26#39;m just wondering has anybody else took their own food on the plane ? could you give me some ideas of what to take ? there is 4 of us ! i know from other people you can%26#39;t get your drinks untill you get through departures thanks for any advice !

Taking food on the plane !!

So surprised to hear your airline charges you extra for food on a trans-atlantic flight, even Thomas Cook have provided it as a free service!

You will really need to take your food in a chiller bag as there is not alot savory apart from crisps you can take on board that isn%26#39;t chilled %26amp; it it gets too warm, which is a likely scenerio you could all end up getting ill %26amp; ruining your holiday!!!

Only suggestions i can give is sandwiches, salad, pasta or coucous pot, biscuits %26amp; cake.

Trouble is if you buy all this at the airport shops it will be pretty pricey %26amp; if you bring from home or your local supermarket, how do you know if you are going be delayed for hours at the airport, in which case your ice-packs will have pretty much defrosted by then!

Sorry to sound so negative but i think it is perhaps false economy, plus think of how much extra hand luggage weight this will cause!!

Taking food on the plane !!

lauralou is right, is there any way you could contact the airline and amend this?

Otherwise you will be taking up valuable space in your hand luggage too.

I have done this before, mainly flying US airlines that no longer serve meals such as United. On a 5 hour flight from Hawaii connecting to a 5 hour flight to DC it was too far to go(they still serve meals on transatlantic flights). I brought a chill bag with a selection of sandwiches, grapes, biscuits, crisps (cookies and chips-USA) and even a package of supermarket ahi sushi. Drinks we bought on board or in the airport after security.

Thanks for all your replies ! I know we perhaps should have just paid for meals! oh well ! will perhaps buy items which don%26#39;t need to be kept chilled from supermarket and then get sandwiches from airport ! the fact that we are having to travel up late on friday stay at the travellodge at glasgow airport ready for flight on saturday at 11 am doesn%26#39;t help !

Like lauralou I am surprised you have to pay for food on a long haul flight. Usually all food and drinks are free. I would ring the airline and make sure this is right.

On internal US flights everyone seems to board with hands full of sandwiches and drinks, but I have never seen anyone in the UK on a long haul with their own food.

When we went with Thompson%26#39;s they allowed us to take our own food. and for those with allergies like nut allergies this is a good point.

So we all had nut allergies? know what I mean..

We bought 2 little cooler bags from Asda the kind that will hold 6 cans. Made sandwiches the night before wrapped in foil and put in a zip sealer bag then place these and the cooler bag close to the freezer unit in the fridge overnight and fill the rest of the space with chilled fruit . we Only put them in the cooler bag and zipped them up the very last thing before we left home. And put them into your carry on bag. If you dont combine both they wont let you take more then One piece of carry on luggage per person.

These were still cold when we were eating them flying over New York.

We have always taken sandwiches on the plane regardless of whether in-flight meals are included as the food is often so terrible! If you buy pre-packed ones from a supermarket or wherever the day before you go and leave them in the fridge until the last moment they should be fine for most of the flight.

I wouldn%26#39;t book in flight meals out of choice either - Thomas Cook wanted 拢15 per person last year which is so expensive for the rubbish you actually get (although we managed to negotiate them for free in the end but that%26#39;s another story...!). Fruit and crisps, biscuits etc as suggested above sound like a good idea too.

Have just realised you are staying in a hotel the night before so you won%26#39;t be able to keep food in a fridge. Not sure what shops are at the airport up there, but if there is a Boots they usually have a decent seclection of sandwiches etc for pretty reasonable prices - think their meal deal is 拢2.49 (?) which would get you a drink %26amp; crisps/bar of chocolate etc aswell.

The very first thing to do is to call the airlines you are taking directly and ask them for sure what kinds of foods if any you can take. I do know most airlines in the US have very limited foods you can take now due to possible terrorists tatics (liquids, gels, etc) I always used to take a paper cooler sack ( like the ones they put ice cream in at the grocery). It is about the size of a lunch bag and I put whatever we wanted in. Now I can%26#39;t. Suggestions for you if they allow it would be: Beef or any kind of jerky, little prepacked peanutbutter or cheese crackers, apples,banana,cookies,pretzels,peanuts, or any prepacked snacks that are non perishable. It isn%26#39;t the healthiest way but nothing would spoil that way and it would keep you from getting too hungry before you land. Best wishes to you.


Vikki G - Thomas Cook used to charge extra for meals on long-haul but now from May 2007 they provide it free of charge as standard as well as soft drinks. They are copying airlines like Virgin by providing complimentary 4 course main meal %26amp; a hot snack, free headsets %26amp; complimentary newspapers %26amp; just like Virgin free icecream or popcorn during the movie presentations.

They must be worried about the competition!

I received my bag

It%26#39;s a cute little back pack type with tripadvisors and the owl very nice for my trip in August

I received my bag

where are you so others might know-only MA people have gotten theirs yet.

I received my bag

South Jersey

Shoot ... it is really just trickling down the country. Might be Christmas before they get to Florida.


A trenton boy perhaps?

Nope a Ocean City,New Jersey Girl

Ahh, I%26#39;ve actually been there lol!

my rels are in Belleville and Wayne.

So, I%26#39;m thinking the NY/PA/NJ crowd will be geting theirs soon.

The weekends are crazy now it;s like a total zoo

So Poker, do you laugh at the Disney Boardwalk?

I used to go to OC, MD all the time when I was young. Loved it, but it%26#39;s nothing like.

No not really cause every place is beautiful if it%26#39;s away from the Island and the people are so much nicer away from here

Wahhhh I havent gotten my bag yet!!!

  • migrating existing portal
  • Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

    Done a bit more research and whittled my choices down to the above two accomodations.

    Anyones stayed at either ? As stated in previous post, am concerend that Mystic Dunes is quite a way out.

    (6 adults no children going - usual theme-parks)

    Thanks in advance for any opinions :-)

    Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

    If you have a car, Mystic Dunes is no more than 10 minutes from WDW. It used to be a Wyndham Resort and is but a mile away from all the shops etc. on hwy 192 West of I-4.

    Mystic Dunes or Marriott Cypress Harbour

    Don%26#39;t know anything about Mystic Dunes, but the Marriott Cypress Harbour is no less than fabulous !!

    its not that far out really, and it is easily accessed by the 192,mystic dunes is easy to get on the 192 its a straight road that takes you a few minutes if you have a car you can be at disney in 5-10 mins depending on which park you want,


    Hi - first trip to Floriday - June 14th.

    Usually have all inclusive, laze around the pool type holidays so this should be a great adventure for us!

    We have 14 day Disney Passes and 3 day 3 park passes for Universal - should we plan our days before we go or just get up in the morning and see what we fancy?

    Any ideas and tips would be most welcome!

    My 7 year old is a Star Wars freak and we MUST do the Star Wars Weekend at least once durng our stay!


    We always plan our trip in advance down to the finest detail. Its half the fun. And as 10 going need to give everyone a say. But nothing is written in stone. Sometimes things need to be swapped around due to weather. Always leave rest days so can do sun bathing, shopping, water parks etc.


    I agree that you should have some kind of a plan. Here is some info to help you. Extra Magic Hours are for those who stay at the Disney resorts so if you%26#39;re staying at Floridays it might be best to plan to go to the park that doesn%26#39;t have EMH. (people at the resorts tend to go on these days) Here is the list for June:

    June 2007

    Morning Extra Magic Hours

    Magic Kingdom - 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28

    Epcot - 3, 10, 17, 24

    Disney-MGM Studios - 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29

    Animal Kingdom - 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30

    Evening Extra Magic Hours

    Magic Kingdom - 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29

    Epcot - 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28

    Disney-MGM Studios - 6, 13, 20, 27

    Animal Kingdom - 4, 11, 18, 25

    Disney-MGM Studios

    Star Wars Weekends - Every weekend in June.

    Celebrity attendees for 2007 have been announced. The list, subject to change of course, includes:

    June 1-3 -- Warwick Davis (the Ewok Wicket in Return of the Jedi and Wald in The Phantom Menace) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2)

    June 8-10 -- Ray Park (the Sith apprentice Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace) and Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones)

    June 15-17 -- Jeremy Bulloch (bounty hunter Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) and Peter Mayhew (Wookiee Chewbacca in the original trilogy, and again in Revenge of the Sith)

    June 22-24 -- Anthony Daniels (protocol droid C-3PO throughout the Star Wars saga) and Bonnie Piesse (Beru in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith)



    Disney Dreams Come True Parade

    June 1-30 -- 3:00 p.m.


    June 1-3, 6, 9, 16, 20, 23, 30 -- 9:00 p.m.

    June 4-5, 7-8, 10-15, 17-19, 21-22, 24-29 -- 9:00 p.m. %26amp; 11:00 p.m.


    June 1-30 -- 10:00 p.m.


    IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth

    June 1-30 -- 9:00 p.m.


    Stars and Motor Cars Parade

    June 1-30 -- 3:00 p.m.


    June 1, 4, 6, 8-9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29 -- 9:00 p.m. %26amp; 10:30 p.m.

    June 2-3, 5, 7, 10-12, 14, 16-17, 19, 21, 23-24, 26, 28, 30 -- 9:00 p.m.


    Mickey%26#39;s Jammin%26#39; Jungle Parade

    June 1-30 -- 4:00 p.m.

    What a great list above!

    anyway Twent I would go with a plan. Plan to go to your chose park early to beat the lines. Inset a rest day every so often and do a water park or 2. But don%26#39;t feel to rigid about your plan, leave romm for flexibility. ~After 6 days or so you will feel the burn out coming on big time.

    Thanks Novalobster you certainly know your stuff - that list is fab!

    We are going to sit down after lunch and prepare an itinery - my 7 year old is so excited - think it is best we sit down as a family and not just tell him where he is going (if that would ever happen - we know who wears the trousers in this house)!!!

    Moving to the waterparks - silly question time - can you hire towels or do you need to take your own?

    The pool around the hotel provides towels and I am trying to cut down on luggage by not taking any unnecessary items!

    There is some serious shopping to do. After reading posts on this site we have decided to take enough clothes for the first few days and buy everything else over there - $19 Levis etc - I love a bargain!

    I usually shop around for cheap towels here or there and feel if i only pay a few dollars then i can afford to leave them behind. Have come in handy during a thunderstorm.

    I always plan a year in advance so I could have everything down packed and no problems and you%26#39;ll have fun at Floridays

    I can%26#39;t remember about the towels, but I%26#39;m thinking no- you have to bring them. Been to waterparks elsewhere since I was last at one in Disney. But, your hotel may have towels you can use, but that depends on where you stay. and some villas may have them too. If you are at an inexpensive hotel say on Idrive, you will need to bring some.

    I will be there same time as you, but w/o my kids so I don%26#39;t think our paths will cross somehow lol. Think Malls and property inspections. Have fun, and get back to us with your plan and we can tweak it for you.

    hi Novalobster,

    can you please tell me if there is a list of the extra disney hours for july and august and where i can get them.



    Twent, you can rent towels at the Disney waterparks for $1. each. At Floriday%26#39;s you are between two Outlet Malls, Lake Buena Vista Outlet on 535 and Premium Outlets just a minute or two on Int Drive.

    As you have a 14 day ticket, don%26#39;t be tempted to cram 18 hour days in at Disney. You%26#39;ve plenty of flexibility to spend 3-4 hours a day back at the hotel pool when everyone else is getting stressed out. Believe me, I speak from experience. You%26#39;ll enjoy the days at the parks much more if you can split them into manageable chunks.

    2 teenage boys 15 and 13 1st trip how to make it special

    We want to make this trip special as im sure we will only be able to afford it once.

    how do u make it still fun for 15mand 13 yr old

    2 teenage boys 15 and 13 1st trip how to make it special

    You posted in the general Florida forum - first trip to where in Florida?

  • benefit
  • walking distance - Mystic Dunes


    Could somebody confirm that ther is literally nothing within walking distance of Mystic Dunes of the restaurant/fast tfood/ shop variety ?

    Thanks :-)

    walking distance - Mystic Dunes

    That%26#39;s correct , as far as I know, unless something has been built since last summer. The resort is also so spread out that it%26#39;s not easy to walk anywhere within the place, let alone outside it.

    walking distance - Mystic Dunes

    the 192 is roughly 2 miles(maybe a bit less) away from mystic dunes so it is a bit far to walk unless you are super fit.........

    forgot to mention that in the resort you can use the golf buggies to get around, you just phone reception and they send one for you

    It%26#39;s one mile from the property entrance on Old Lake Wilson Rd. to hwy 192. From that point on 192 you have any number of restaurants and shops, going East or West.

    thanks jsmamby (sorry if i have got your name wrong but when you reply you can%26#39;t see it)

    my issue is , there wil be six of us , 4 that cannnot drive and 2 that like their beers in the evening, so neither of them will want to drive at night!!! As i am used to staying on I-drive i have been spoilt for eating and drinking opportunities. I have no problem in paying for a couple of cabs , its just that the only area i know is I-drive , which would be very costly in cabs for a two week holiday. Our other option is Marriott cypress Harbour (we have a timeshare to use up) but half the group are smokers and Marriot are non-smoking - but i still think the Marriott location would be more suitable for us as the I -ride trolley has a bus stop right down th bottom of I-drive that i thought we could jump on .


    thanks for that., that could swing it for the Mystic then :-) I am quite happy with the Quality Inn International , but that wasn%26#39;t one of the timeshare options ! :-)

    Happy Mother's Day

    Hello all of you PCB posters I know it has nothing to do w/ PCB but i just wanted to wish everybody an early Happy Mother%26#39;s Day Have a safe and fun weekend

    Happy Mother's Day

    Thank you, Mrs. Nelson! The very same back to you. I%26#39;m so thankful to be a mom!

    Happy Mother's Day

    Mrs. Nelson,

    Happy Mother%26#39;s Day to you also. I have one child home with the stomach virus so I should probably be getting it myself around Mother%26#39;s Day (lol).

    Happy Mother%26#39;s Day to you too MrsNelson and to the rest of our posters who are Mother%26#39;s. May you all have a wonderful %26amp; blessed Mother%26#39;s Day!!!! A special Mother%26#39;s Day wish goes out to Lilbunnygirl on her very first Mother%26#39;s Day.


    Awww thank you GaGirl! I%26#39;m starting mine nice and early at almost 4 am with a hungry not-quite 3 week old :)

    Happy mother%26#39;s day to all the mommies out there!

  • Cats
  • downtown disney hours

    Does anyone know how late Downtown Disney Marketplace area is open on Sunday evenings?

    downtown disney hours

    They don%26#39;t close early like you would think cause it%26#39;s on a Sunday but they stay open late when are you going

    downtown disney hours

    We are thinking about going tonight but couldn%26#39;t find a number to call or any information on the internet that would let us know if they are open latet than the typical stores. We have 2 young children so probably won%26#39;t be there later than 8 or 9.

    10, 21-26 year olds, memorial day weekend where to go?

    We are coming down on May 25 and leaving on the 28th. I was wondering where we could find: jet ski%26#39;s, good places for happy hour and good snorkle spots.

    If you have any suggestions for anything else I would appreciate it.

    10, 21-26 year olds, memorial day weekend where to go?

    Check with Holiday Isle I think they rent jet ski%26#39;s, go to Key Largo at John Pennykamp Park for the snorkeling trip. Lor e lei has music as well as good drinks and good food. If you do some research here on the keys forum you will find lots of other good suggestions.

    One piece of advice, on Memorial Day get where you are going and stay there. The traffice will be bumper to bumper.

    10, 21-26 year olds, memorial day weekend where to go?

    We are coming down on May 25 and leaving on the 28th. We are staying at the Day%26#39;s Inn. I was wondering where we could find: jet ski%26#39;s, good places for happy hour and good snorkle spots.

    If you have any suggestions for anything else I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for any input.

    10, 21-26 year olds, memorial day weekend where to go?

    Tazz - good news and bad news

    First the good news.

    Holiday Isle will be hopping. If you can get out to the sandbar right out front, you won%26#39;t need a happy hour - THAT IS Happy day. Figure 2000 - 2500 kids out here partying.

    Follow the crowd. wherever they go follow. I%26#39;m guessing they%26#39;ll be hard to miss.

    If you want to go out on a boat to snorkle try Captain SCUBA right out of Holiday Isle. I%26#39;ve dove with them before and they are great.

    Bad News:

    Depending upon where you are coming from the drive will be SLOW that Friday and Monday. Figure 3 times as long as the normal drive times.

    Be careful someone gets hurt just about every year. One year they found a kid floating face down in the middle of everyone out at the sandbar. . .

    10, 21-26 year olds, memorial day weekend where to go?

    I think Days Inn has Jet Ski%26#39;s. But, if not, Holiday Isle does. Holiday Isle also has a happy hour. The best snorkel spots are by boat. Go to one of the reefs, best to do so with a dive company. Keys Divers is next to Bud and Mary%26#39;s.

    Don%26#39;t be in a hurry to get home. Monday leaving the Keys is a slow drive.

    have fun!!

    Days inn has jet ski rentals on property. Also Bentleys has a great happy hour and is walking distance.

    bus terminal (grey hound)

    where is the bus terminal in orlando and how do i get to kissimme from there? thanks

    bus terminal (grey hound)

    Here is the address for greyhound orlando. If you have an address in Kissimmee you are going to go to and it will give you driving directions.




    Orlando, FL 32805

    Telephone Numbers

    Main: 407-292-3424

    Baggage: 407-292-3414

    Greyhound Package Express: 407-292-3414

    Customer Service: 407-292-3422

    Greyhound Charter: 800-454-2487

    Hours Of Operation

    Hours of operation subject to change. Please call to verify hours before making travel arrangements.

    Station Monday-Sunday: 24 hours

    Holiday: 24 hours

    Greyhound Package Express Monday-Friday: 7:00 am-11:59 pm

    Saturday: 7:00 am-2:00 pm

    Sunday: 7:00 am-12:00 pm

    Holiday: 7:00 am-12:00 pm

    Ticketing Monday-Sunday: 24 hours

    Holiday: 24 hours

    bus terminal (grey hound)

    There is also small Greyhound station in Kissimmee ( off 192, Darby Rd I think) - Don%26#39;t know if just some or all buses in that area stop there, but you might check and save money on taxi fare.

  • benefit
  • reataurants by boat

    We are staying at a campgrouds near the Cape and we have a RV. Once we park it, we cant go anywhere EXCEPT by boat. It is our Anniversary and we want to go somewhere nice to eat, But we need a restaurant that is on the water so we can drive our boat there and park it. Anyone know of any? It is our 1st Anniversary and I really want this to be special. We have a 26ft boat.

    Thank all ........

    reataurants by boat

    You can go thru the locks at the port and there is are several restaurants on the waterfront that you can park your boat and eat. Grills is right next to the boat launch ramp that is closer to the inlet. They have good food. If you do go this way just an fyi that you have to stay 100 feet from any ship and you cannot enter the submarine basin. Also it%26#39;s all idle zone. They can tell you at the locks what the rules are. The water is plenty deep, the cruise ships dock here.

    reataurants by boat

    Thank you bornwithwheels. We were thinking about Grills. We are going to be NICELY dressed up. Is Grills a nice place... or more on the casual side? Can you suggest any that we can go to that we wont stick out wearing fancy clothes?

    We woud also like to go dancing and maybe have a few drinks.. Do you know of any that have a Tiki Bar or a band?

    Sorry for all the questions. But nooned seems to know anything about the area. I even talked to AAA and they just give me the names of restaurants and thats it.

    Thanks again.. I just want this day to be SPECIAL. thats all.

    You will stand out if you%26#39;re dressed up at Grill%26#39;s. Grill%26#39;s is a tiki-type indoor/outdoor waterfront restaurant/bar, with many customers in standard Florida beach dress (shorts %26amp; flip flops).

    You may be happier with the Lobster Shanty (321-783-1350) on the Banana River in Cocoa Beach. 26%26#39; is pretty big, I%26#39;d suggest to call ahead to check to see if there%26#39;s enough water depth at their dock for that size boat.

    There%26#39;s also the Sunset Cafe (321-783-8485) and the adjacent Florida%26#39;s Seafood Bar %26amp; Grill (321-784-0892). You can find reviews for these in the Dining section of the Cocoa Beach Tripadvisor section.

    I agree with Island24. Grills is pretty casual. Jack Bakers Lobster Shanty shows a dock in their website photo. It gets good reviews on here.

    You can always go to grills on another nite.

    Happy Anniversary!

  • a serious concern
  • Dining options with 2 & 3 yr olds


    We are going to Disney for christmas, we intend to %26#39;do%26#39; the parks the week we arrive (15th). Now i cant decide how to do christmas day. Any suggestions? I know the parks will be busy busy which i really dont mind as we should have covered most things by then and will just enjoy the day %26amp; sights.

    However this also leaves what to do for dinner? there will be 2 adults and 3 kids ( 2, 3 %26amp; 13) what age do you pay for the character buffets.

    If you have a fine dining meal do you have to order a meal for everyone as we would normally order one between the two small ones.

    Or should we stay out of the parks, which hotels would be nice for dinner? and any other ideas for activities that day as i am assuming shops will be closed ( do the sales start teh next day?)

    Sorry for the long post, i just cant decide what to do, i had originally thought of going to Epcot and dinner at leCellier which i will probably still visit but not sure its a good choice for the kids on christmas day.


    Dining options with 2 %26amp; 3 yr olds

    Hello lakeland,

    The Magic Kingdom will be body to body. And even though we have done and seen everything at the parks we said we would never attempt the Magic Kingdom on Christmas Day so on our last Christmas Day trip we enjoyed Epcot a character meal at the Garden Grill and the Candlelight Processsional. Even though it was crowded it didn%26#39;t feel as crowded because it%26#39;s Disney%26#39;s largest park and more spread out. The Garden Grill is a great character meal with family style dining at Epcot. If you do choose to go to the Magic Kingdom The Liberty Tree Tavern in our opinion is your best option for dinner as it offers a Thanksgiving type dinner, very tasty and will please all the ages in your family. Do make all your Christmas week dining reservations 180 days in advance as they often book up the day the lines open for booking Christmas Day. I also want to add that even though LeCellier is a great Epcot dining choice, for your children The Garden Grill character meal would be a much better choice. You can also book this with the Candlelight Processional package which doesn%26#39;t cost anything extra, you simply receive priority seating for the show. For a complete list of Disney dining and menu%26#39;s check out

    Dining options with 2 %26amp; 3 yr olds

    If you want to stay away from the parks but do something a little different I suggest a trip to Gaylord Palms Hotel which has an ice sculpture exhibition.

    You will need to book the meal and I am sure they will be flexible re. your little ones. Why not e mail them to find out or have a look at their website.

    The Ice exhibtion is awesome and the adults and kids will enjoy it especially the slides made from ice which you can go on as many times as you wish.

    As an alternative pay a nightime visit to Boardwalk and look at the decked out hotels and get a meal at one of the restaurants there.

    I would do Chef Mickey%26#39;s and the 13 year old would be considered and adult price at all of it%26#39;s restaurants which I think is really crazy but I think that Chef Mickey%26#39;s is the best for characters and as soon as 180 come for your dates you better get on the phone and make reservations cause it will be a total zoo then.


    Thanks for the input, i have had a look at the gaylords ice exhibition info and it looks like a good option, a bit more laid back.

    How about Seaworld or Busch Gardens how are they on christmas day and where would be good for a nice dinner? Reading old post someone suggested Rennaisance at Seaworld but cant get much info on there just now(menus).


    Gulfview Resort or KCB?

    We first visited Marathon 2 years ago and loved it! Decided next year must go back. We are trying to decide between staying at Gulfview Resort near Dolphin Research Ctr or renting Duplex in KCB. Any suggestions? I love dolphins but I also like clean places...all the palm trees at Gulfview look attractive--is Key Colony Beach very treed?

    Thanks for any help.

    Gulfview Resort or KCB?

    I think I drove into Gulfview for someone. It looked nice, quaint, small, but well cared for - all in all a nice place. You will only be 5 minutes from Marathon and all it offers.

    That being said I%26#39;d do the duplex in KCB.

    Gulfview Resort or KCB?

    Either will be fine. Nice couple running Gulfview.

    Thank you tremendously--decided to go with KCB and now I can%26#39;t wait!! One thing, though, the only site I have found for bicycle rentals mentions cost of $65.00/week, since our teenagers are coming too, will need 4 bikes x 2 weeks--I%26#39;m thinking it might be cheaper to bring our own or buy at Kmart--any suggestions?

    I%26#39;ll get back to you on this question. Let me ask around.

    KCB%26#39;s a good choice since you have teens with you, but Gulfview is well-maintained, and the owners are awesome.

    Try Overseas Outfitters. They are near the Coast Guard in Marathon.

    I have it on good authority that the owner is a good guy and will treat you right.

    I%26#39;ll confirm that over Memorial Day weekend.

    Thanks a lot--you are the best.! ( I think the Keys should pay you a tourism ambassador fee or something...)

    BTW--your reply in the KW forum regarding suits and ties to ';class up the place'; was my laugh for the day! lol

    Just found the phone numer as well


    If your teenagers have rollerblades have them bring those instead of getting the bikes. It%26#39;s a great place for rollerblading. When we rented bikes we rented thru Key Colony rental office. I thought we paid about $10 a day and there was a discount if you rented for the whole week, I don%26#39;t remember if that was for 1 or 2 bikes.


    I was wondering what the day and night time wear is in Florida, I assume mosty casual shorts and tshirts during the day but what about night, any help appreciated!


    What month are you going?


    Going Last Week in Aug/1st Week ept

    I presume your not actually from Orlando, Florida as this would be a really silly question! haha!

    T-shirts and shorts will be the norm during the day and you can wear the same sort of clothes for most restaurants (unless they have a dress code). If you normally get bitten by mozzies then I would cover up or wear some DEET. It will still be very humid during the evenings though!

    Nights in Aug are stll hot...I always bring casual clothes. Yeah shorts, tshirts, halter tops, but also wear a simple sundress or skirt too. Like to get a breeze too. ;-)

    Thats if your a female....hee hee.

    Husband pretty much wears his light weight golf clothes night and day except at the pool or beach.

    Sorry should have said I am from the UK!

    You should change your Location to UK/Orlando or some such, if you want to have some connection with Orlando.

    Hi staying on I Drive the same two weeks as you, we were her last year in Aug / Sept, warm, Humid and dont forget your brolly.

    We have been to Orlando a few times at this time of year and we have never needed a jacket/jumper/cardigan in the evenings as it is still very warm. You will definately need light clothing during the day as it will be absolutely boiling!!

    Have fun.

    Jill ; )

    I agree with all previous posters, but as I%26#39;ve said to my wife fifty times, you couldn%26#39;t possibly wear all of the clothes that you pack so don%26#39;t get carried away with the luggage, but I%26#39;m afraid my advice usually falls on deaf ears.

    Shorts ,shorts and nothing but

    Just returned!

    What a hidden secret! This was my first visit to Destin as an adult with my own family. We stayed at the Edgewater Beach Condo (606) until yesterday. I honestly thought I had to travel at least to Hawaii, if not out of the country to enjoy the beautiful water that I saw everyday in Destin. The beaches were fantastic. Water still a little chilly for my taste, but my son had a great time in the sand. I definitely don%26#39;t think Edgewater gets enough credit. The construction next door is almost complete so noise was hardly noticeable. The view is wonderful and the pools were great. My only disappointment was the food. For all of those Floridians, please don%26#39;t be offended by this: I now know that no one can match Louisiana food. Its just not the same. I will give credit to the snow crabs.

    My full review: The Back Porch-- don%26#39;t waste your time. The amount of shrimp on my sandwich is less than what falls off our po%26#39;boys!

    --Pompano Joe%26#39;s--a little better, The grilled crab legs were really good!

    --Louisiana Lagniappe--The best restaraunt we visited. To anyone from the the New Orleans/ Lafayette area, this is the closest you%26#39;ll get. Worth the price.

    --Jim %26#39;n%26#39; Nicks BBQ- great cheese biscuits and pulled pork sandwich.

    --Poppy%26#39;s -overpriced and weak on flavor and quality

    --Fisherman%26#39;s Wharf--great steamed snow crab

    I%26#39;m sure that I didn%26#39;t visit many of the hidden secret dining spots, but overrall I found the restaraunts to be very tourist driven. That said, we had a fantastic time. The most relaxing vacation ever!

    Just returned!

    Glad you had a good time but you did just skim the surface of the better fare. On a side note I was in your town last weekend for Jazz Fest and had great dinners at Dantes Kitchen and Redfish Grill.

    Just returned!

    Thanks for the report. I thought that the Louisiana Laniappe was closed?

    Joe Mammy,

    I%26#39;m glad you enjoyed yourself. There are so many great dining choices in NO, you really can%26#39;t go wrong.

    LA Lagniappe is definitely open. The stuffed shrimp was excellent!

    Good deal on Orlando park tickets

    It pays to shop around and look at different ticket options. I%26#39;ve just found an excellent deal for us on park tickets. We%26#39;re going for 21 days and spending a few down in Miami too.

    We normally buy the 5 park Flex ticket but don%26#39;t use the Wet n Wild option. We do a full day at each of the parks and then hop around on the other days of the holiday and to CityWalk.

    I%26#39;ve got the SeaWorld/Busch Gardens unlimited access for 21 days and Universal 2 park/3 day tickets for about 拢20 less than the cheapest Flex ticket I could find.

    The SeaWorld ticket was from the Anheimer site and the Universal from their own site.

    Worked out really well!

    Good deal on Orlando park tickets

    hi im looking for cheap dinsey tickets from a good company that can be recommened.any help welcomed

    Good deal on Orlando park tickets

    Have a look here:

    They are the cheapest I have found - so far!

    Hi The best deals I have found for park tickets were from, fast free delivery and no credit card charge also the cheapest prices I could find after days of looking.

  • benefit
  • server
  • Hilton grand Vacation-difference between Sea World and...

    I%26#39;m looking into the Hilton Grand Vacation at Seaworld- we never stayed at either Hilton Grand Vac., from what I%26#39;ve read, the one on International Drive is newer, yet the prices are lower than the Sea World location. Does anyone know the reason behind this? Does the Sea World one offer more to do? We have a teenager going with us, so we would like the resort with more activities. Also, which one is closer to Universal? Thanks!!

    Hilton grand Vacation-difference between Sea World and...

    Hi Radiology,

    My family of three stayed at the HGVC at Seaworld last April and it was fantastic!! We could find nothing to complain about, we were in the Pembroke Bldg. (I think it was #4) which was a perfect location to the pool; not too close or too far. This year we decided to try the HGVC on I-Drive just for a change of scenery. Hopefully it will be just at good as the one at Seaworld. As far as the activities go, I believe they both offer the same at each resort (with the exception I believe the on at Seaworld has a small movie theater and the one on I-Drive does not). Hope this helped.

    Hilton grand Vacation-difference between Sea World and...

    Have you read all the Tripadvisor reviews on both places? (in the hotel section). From what I gleaned it seemed that the Sea World location had activities more geared to teens, the other more towards younger kids, but I%26#39;m sure both places would be great.

    Even though the I-drive location is newer, I personally did not prefer it as much - several reasons - so you just have to read and look and decide for yourself. I think at the time I%26#39;m going the newer one may be $10/night less, not enough for me to want to stay there if I don%26#39;t prefer it for other reasons.

    Schalipoo - I know the Sea World location has not been renovated in the 10-12 years since it was built - you found the rooms, pool, etc., to be in good condition?

    But I do wonder why both of them are so much less than the Marriott villas that we also considered.

    I think part of it boils down to location as well. The one on I-Drive is down by the Premium Outlet Mall and Dixie Stampede. It%26#39;s not as conveniently located to any of the theme parks as the Sea World location, where you can walk to Sea World from the resort. Location alone can make a big difference in the cost of a room in Orlando. If you can walk to any of the big three parks, you will pay a premium to do so. The resort on I-Drive is much newer though, and if you have a car, it is centrally located to all three theme parks.

    Hi Warmwinds,

    We found the rooms at the Seaworld location to be in top shape. Although, I was a little worried because at the time (last year) on TA there were some very negative reviews as to room cleanliness and upkeep. I am glad we decided to take the chance because you do get so much for your money at HGVC, and the grounds were stunning as well. May I ask what you did not like at the HGVC on I-Drive? Any input you have would be appreciated. Thanks...

    Just wanted to thank-you all for replying to this post-we%26#39;re definetely going to try to get into the HGV at Seaworld- I%26#39;m tring to get a timeshare deal off of ebay or one of the timeshare websites, but we%26#39;re going from a Tues-Tues, which may be a little difficult, if not I might just book through Hilton direct. Thanks again!

    Schalipoo, it was just a couple of very personal things that may sound trivial but were important to me. I didn%26#39;t like the looks of the decor on I-drive (I know not every room looks exactly the same, but...) - for a fun summery vacation it was just too dark, heavy and formal - ok for a hotel in Europe but not Orlando! The other (very important to me) thing was I loved the screened balconies at SeaWorld - I do not think that I-drive has them. I love to sit outside at night but I am a mosquito magnet so this was important to me. And finally it was the location - I liked the idea of being close enough to walk to SeaWorld, and I like the idea of being in the thick of I-drive for it%26#39;s restaurant options...the new I-drive location was just a little isolated, and maybe it%26#39;s been built up around it now but many reviews I read of the SW location said it was private and nice because the grounds were large but still centrally located.

    I called and asked for a building overlooking the little lake out back (not the pool, and not far away in one of the remote buildings), so they said they put a note in my record for the non-smoking St. George building - do you know if that was a good choice?

    Other than that I-drive looks lovely, too, and if SW had not been available for my dates I would have been perfectly happy there.

    Hi Warmwinds,

    Thanks for sharing your opinions, I can totally understand the decor being a drawback. If you are not into the dark woods and the marble, etc.., then hey that is just not your thing. Why wouldn%26#39;t you want to stay where you are more comfortable? I don%26#39;t think the dark decor would bother me even though it is not my taste, I think it is rather lavish, but pretty for a vacation. We did the tropical look last year at the HGVC at Seaworld and now are opting for the regal look.

    I am sorry that I do not know where the St. George building is located, however I do know that the staff was very accomodating. I called them from the airport when we arrived in Florida to ask if our room was ready and what building they were putting us in. The staff said that if I would wait for a room (we arrived before check in) that they would get us in the perfect building for us, which they did. We went to the pool and changed in the lockers until our room was ready. The staff called us on our cell phone to let us know when the room was available. I doubt you will be disappointed.

    Nice chatting with you :)

    Radiology - be sure to let us know how you liked it!

    To Radiology and Schalipoo - I just called the HGVC%26#39;s to ask a couple of questions, because you had me thinking maybe we should stay at the newer one, and I found out a couple more things that may help the two of you decide...first of all, they BOTH have the screened porches, to my question about SW being ';older'; she said they are constantly upgrading/repairing/etc so not to worry, if I like the looks of SW better that%26#39;s fine - she said the I-D location IS very dark decor...but this one is important - Sea World has 3 pools, one of which is adults only, and I-D has two, both of which are family. So since we%26#39;re traveling w/o kids makes SW even that much more attractive. And I also asked why SW is often (not always) more expensive - she said SW is closer to the Convention Center, gets more Convention traffic, and when they buy up blocks of rooms makes the prices rise.

    I didn%26#39;t ask her why their prices are sooo much cheaper than Marriott, didn%26#39;t want them to realize it and raise their rates!

    warmwinds- thanks for all your hard work!! I%26#39;m still trying to get a rental at the Seaworld location-Tues-Tues is proving to be hard to book, last resort we%26#39;ll book through their website, their web price for a 1 bedroom for a week runs about $1100 for the week, which I thought was a pretty good price, considering it seems to be such a nice resort. We love sitting on the porch in the morning and drinking our coffee, and not having to rush out to find breakfast, thanks again! Radiology


    im stopping at windsor hills just off 192 kissimmee, is it right that you can get to animal kingdom via sherbeth rd, cheers



    Lunch on Ocean Drive

    My wife and I will be staying at the Park Central in mid June on Friday and Saturday. During the days we will be lounging about on the beach, but of course would love to sit on Ocean Drive and people watch as we have a nice cocktail with lunch. Any suggestions?


    Lunch on Ocean Drive


    Fifty @ 444 Ocean - try the wonderful crabcakes

    Front Porch @ 1420 Ocean - breakfast or brunch

    Pelican @ 826 Ocean - cafe

    Larios @ 820 - Cuban


    Lunch on Ocean Drive

    Thaks AG! You are the best. This forum would be lost without you.

    Thanks for the recommendation AG, will make a note of those.

    Space, we%26#39;re also staying at the Park Central (not til November though), so we%26#39;d really love to hear your thoughts on the hotel when you return! Hope you have a great time :)

    park tickets

    is it possible to buy a single ticket for a park or must they be purchased with a package...

    ie...could i buy universal ticket and a ticket for epcot....cant seem to find any prices for single tickets except sea world

    park tickets

    You can buy single day tickets for one park, but you may need to purchase them at the parks themselves.

    park tickets

    thats correct just to add you cannot park hop either with one day tickets

    It%26#39;s worth pricing up all the options. I found it is cheaper to buy a 7 day unlimited Seaworld/Busch garden ticket than it is to buy 2 individual day tickets (and I think adults go for kids prices)! I also got a great deal on my universal/ioa tickets with kids going free. I have only ever bought direct from the parks own websites so can%26#39;t comment on any special deals from other sources.

    Buggy/Pram/Stroller hire or bring your own?

    We are staying at the Quality Inn Plaza between 5th -19th August and we%26#39;ll be visiting all the Universal theme parks.

    Is it best to hire or bring our own Buggy and car seat?

    How much are they to hire and are these places easy to find?

    Will an 8 yr old need a booster seat?

    Buggy/Pram/Stroller hire or bring your own?

    you should bring your own buggy and car seat, its easier and cheaper that way, you normally don%26#39;t have to pay for them with your airline.

    Buggy/Pram/Stroller hire or bring your own?

    bring your own. The car rental companies charge $9 a day for a car seat. You can rent strollers at the parks, but they are bulky, ugly, and don%26#39;t look very comfortable.

    If you bring a stroller, not only do you save $ in the parks but you can use it in the airports/shopping too.

    As for the booster seat, search for Orlando with a 2 yr old thread- it had the FL regs on children and booster seats. I think it was under a height of 4%26#39; 9'; and 80 lbs they need one (don%26#39;t know the metric off hand).

    My advice. Bring your own. Easier, cheaper you can use them outside the parks and to be honest the rental ones are all the same and so I would have thought it would take you for ever to find it when you come off a ride,. Like looking for a red Ford Escort in a car park full of red ford escorts,

    If you decide to rent one, don%26#39;t forget to tie something on it to be able to pick it out easier. The staff always move the strollers while you are on a ride and so it is never where you left it,

    Merlot ....... Like looking for a red Ford Escort in a car park full of red ford escorts, NOW THAT IS FUNNY!!!!

    Thanks for the advice guys, we will bring our own.

    Definitely bring your own if you can. We rented a double stroller in March and paid almost $112 for 7 days. Not only was it expensive but my kids were very uncomfortable due to the hard plastic and the seat back doesn%26#39;t come up all the way. My 4 year old fell asleep and her little head was all over the place. It was also a pain to have to leave it in the park and haul out sleeping or very tired children. We also brought our own booster seats due to the price they charge per day. Not only that as someone pointed out a while back the rental ones are probably pretty dirty and full of germs. Florida law does not require you to have a booster seat for an 8 year old. Here is what they list on the Dept. of Transportation site for Florida:

    4. What is Florida%26#39;s Child Restraint Law?

    All children 5 years of age or younger must be properly restrained no matter where they are sitting in the vehicle. Children through age 3 must be secured in a separate carrier or a vehicle manufacturer%26#39;s integrated child safety seat. For children aged 4 through 5 years, a separate carrier, an integrated child safety seat, or a safety belt may be used. (FL Statute 316.613).

    We still brought a booster for our 7 year old. In Wisconsin it%26#39;s required and he just doesn%26#39;t seem big enough to be in just a seatbelt. Have a good trip.

    If you bring your own you should still have something attached to it to identify it as yours. We took our own to Disney last weekend and someone there had the exact same stroller complete with Mickey ears in the basket. (I suggest luggage tags or some stickers if there is a place to but them. )

    Also if you don%26#39;t bring yours you can go to Wal-Mart and buy a cheap fold up umbrella stroller for about 20 or 25 dollars. Cheaper than renting. (unless you want all the storage compartments, etc)

    We met up with friends last yr who had a toddler and a 4 yr old. They%26#39;d brought their own buggy for the little one, but the heat and the size of the parks just about floored the 4 yr old. They bought a cheap umbrella-style fold up buggy in Walmart for less than a tenner, and it was an absolute godsend! They took it everywhere, right to the airport at Sandford and left it there, having had more than their money%26#39;s worth. The kids were happy, their parents were happy, and all for the sake of a couple of quid! Don%26#39;t even think about renting at the parks, its a small fortune compared with this!


    We always take our own booster seat because the first time we went we were charged about $8 per day! Also, I would either take your own buggie or go to Walmart and buy one there (for around $20) You can hire strollers in the parks but they are $12 a day - crazy money!!!

    Have a fab holiday!

    Jill ; )


    good idea apart from it%26#39;s against the law to leave your baggage unattended. If she left her name on it, hope she%26#39;s not on the stop list next time.

    If you want to leave something behind, give it to someone(also not really allowed in airports), or turn it over to security.

  • cat
  • 1st beach trip with our kids ~ advice please

    We have a 2 and 3 year old. Looking for the best US beach to take them to for their first trip to the ocean! Initially thought Naples, but now considering Destin. Anyone have any insight? Where would you suggest staying - wanting really nice upscale place!

    1st beach trip with our kids ~ advice please

    Destin would be perfect and it%26#39;s not far from Panama City Beach either for a nice day trip there. Destin is a really nice upscale place and the condos are across the street from the beach in some areas.

    1st beach trip with our kids ~ advice please

    Destin is gorgeous! The beaches are beautiful, and there are lots of really good restaurants. I think it would be the perfect beach for their first trip to the ocean. We stay in a beautiful condo at Destin Gulfgate which is right on the beach. All condos are 2 bedroom with very large balconies overlooking the beach. The complex is not huge, but is very nice. You can go to and actually take of tour of each condo to select the one you would like to stay in. They are all individually owned and decorated differentlly. The ones on the ends all have windows down the side with even more views.

    We%26#39;ve been going for 7 years and have stayed in the same condo every year. Destin is a classy place with lots of fun stuff to do in addition to the ocean. I don%26#39;t think you can go wrong!!

    Let me know if you need any more info. I%26#39;ll be glad to help you in any way that I can.

    Destin is definitely the best choice. There are so many great places to stay that it is hard to choose one. Look at Vacation Rentals by Owner (…). Silver Beach and Silver Shells are nice in Mid Destin, Villa Coyaba and The Inn at Crystal Beach are nice on Scenic Hwy 98 and Westwinds and Beachside II are nice in Sandestin. For Sandestin rentals, go to Be sure to take your kids to Big Kahunas, Gulfarium, The Track and on the Seablaster sunset cruise Y%26#39;all will have a great time!

    Destin is very kid friendly and the Gulf is the perfect body of water to start them out with is the best option for rentals. I would try and locate one on the beach rather than across -easier w/ little ones and all that you must carry.

    Well, the most beautiful beach in the US (IMHO), is on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, but that would be quite a haul for you in OK.

    The Villa Coyaba is a low-rise condo that is brand new in the Crystal Beach area. The units look to be very upscale and the condo is directly on the water. We%26#39;ve been watching the construction for the last two years and they look really nice.

    They can be found on VRBO under Villa Coyaba or there might be some others listed under Crystal Beach. Destin is wonder, you will love it!…scenic-hwy-98

  • benefit
  • I've narrowed my hotel choices

    Hotel Nash

    Catalina Hotel

    Clinton Hotel

    Now offer your thoughts...

    I will be there end of September, husbands 40th and 10 year anni.

    I have listed them in order of my preference. I really like Nash%26#39;s location.


    I've narrowed my hotel choices


    I looked at the TA reviews for these hotels and direct you here:鈥?/a>

    The Catalina is closest to the Lincoln Road area and affords you pool %26amp; beach access (across the street). The Clinton and Nash are a few streets away from the shore and the reviews are a bit hit-and-miss. I live here so I always note that I do not sleep in our hotels...

    Proximity to the beach and easy walking to the restaurants and cafes make the Catalina a good location. The Clinton might be too close to ClubLand for you.

    Plan a romantic dinner at Nemo (or a fab Sunday Brunch), Talula or Wish... Closer to September, be certain you make reservations. is a useful site for booking restaurants so you don%26#39;t have to pay for long distance calls. Always follow up by phone the day you arrive to be sure all is in order (or to set up hubby with a birthday cake surprise...)



    I've narrowed my hotel choices

    Check Perfect to see if you can get the Strand

    for $118($25more on weekends) and stay upscale with

    nice amenities in a classier place.

    Review of our first time KW trip


    I just wanted to give an update on our first-time trip to kw after getting helpful info from you all on this forum. I had such a good time! I can%26#39;t wait to go back. We didn%26#39;t even do that much over the four days but just soaking in the atmosphere was wonderful!

    We stayed at the Southernmost Hotel. It worked out fine for what we needed. I reviewed the hotel elsewhere on the site. It was a good walk to the rest of Duval St.. Ok, but next time I would just rent a bike for the whole trip. However, we were grateful for the free hotel parking since we had driven from Miami where we had stayed the weekend before. We rented bikes/scooters from a place across the street from the hotel on Duval. Very reasonable rates compared to other places.

    Our first evening we just walked up Duval and checked out the shops. We loved all the interesting art galleries we saw there and elsewhere during our trip. The sunset celebration at Mallory Sq. was fun to do once but we didn%26#39;t go back again. The Holiday Inn rooftop was a nice place to watch too. During our stay we also visited a museum near the Square that had the history of Key West and a Hemmingway exhibit. The museum was very interesting. We also saw the Truman Little White House although we didn%26#39;t take the tour. It was fun reading about what all they did when Truman was there. After a horrible meal the first night at Crabby (**)(TA didn%26#39;t let me spell the name here- massive confusion resulted in us eating there), we at the Deli Restaurant for lunch the next day. It was super good. I got a huge fresh veggie omelette with sides for $5! We went back for bfast our last morning. We also saw the cemetery at the center of town. Definitely could of used a bike there! We ate at a very good sushi place in a quiet courtyard near our hotel called Origami. We also had good meals at Lobos%26#39; Mixed grill and Mangia Mangia. My favorite restaurant was Banana Cafe because of the calming veranda seating as I ate a Nutella and banana crepe with good coffee. Bliss.

    One day we drove to Bahia State Park. The beach is very beautiful but you seem to need to bring your own umbrella. Otherwise the shade is in a covered picnic table area. I also checked out the Butterfly Conservatory which is an instant mood-lifter but was pricy ($10). However, it seemed to go to a good cause so I didn%26#39;t mind.

    Overall, however, I have to say my favorite memory is walking down Duval, checking out the art shop displays with a frozen key lime pie on a stick. Chocolate was dripping all over me but I couldn%26#39;t be more relaxed. So thanks again for the info and hopefully I can review another trip down there soon!

    Review of our first time KW trip

    Sounds like you had a good first trip. I try to steer people away from Crappy D!cks. It%26#39;s a horrible clip joint.

    Next time you get to KW, try venturing off Duval. That%26#39;s where you will find the real KW. You mentioned that you saw Truman%26#39;s Little White House. It%26#39;s worthwhile to take the tour. It is quite good, if sometimes rushed. There is a lot of history in that house.

    When you decide to go back to KW, let us know. There are a lot of people who can give good info, especially the local KW folks. I%26#39;ve learned a lot just visiting this site.

    Review of our first time KW trip

    gointochile wrote:

    We didn%26#39;t even do that much over the four days but just soaking in the atmosphere was wonderful!

    DING DING DING we have a winner! I love to see that line, I really do.

    The Key West Art %26amp; Historical Society is that big red brick building and IMO it%26#39;s a better time than Mel Fisher%26#39;s or the aquarium.

    The exhibit is Fishing, Friends and Family in Key West and is full of photos from the 30%26#39;s. If you ever wanted to see a photo of Sloppy Joe Russell, this is it. Samples are 3/4 of the way down.


    I%26#39;m with Taxi... soak it up! Now that%26#39;s what I call a relaxing vacation!!

    disposable mobile phones

    Read on another thread about disposbable cell phones, where can we buy them and approx cost?


    disposable mobile phones

    WalMart, Best Buy, .... any number of cell phone kiosks in the Malls. Check web sites of the above or your Google Gods.

    disposable mobile phones

    Almost anywhere they even have them in 7-11 stores you shouldn%26#39;t have a problem finding them at all

    Park hopper ticket query

    We%26#39;re off to Orlando in just over a month, I%26#39;ve tried to purchase a two day park hopper ticket from the DisneyWorld website, but get an errors message saying I can%26#39;t order that product on line given my billing information.

    I%26#39;m not sure whether it%26#39;s because I%26#39;m an international customer, but wanted to avoid having to queue to buy tickets when we get there. Has anyone else come across this problem? Is there any way round it?

    Park hopper ticket query

    Yes I found that. If you%26#39;re from the uk they only seem interested in selling 5 day+ passes. I can only even view 1 day pass prices if I say I am from the U.S. Which travel company are you using? Maybe you could buy from them.

    Park hopper ticket query

    I had the same trouble when trying to book with the Disney world site, it kept sending me back to the UK website.

    In the end i booked my tickets with , they arrived about 10 days after i booked them, given the good exchange rate i think we got a good deal with them

    Try this site they do the 2 day hopper and will deliver to your home or hotel

    I have used them and have had good service

    they want you to buy more days that%26#39;s all you might have to wait until you get here to do it and don%26#39;t buy anything off the streets we the used tickets that they try to sell you just keep walking

  • xp
  • Flights into Destin or near by

    Locals: I am trying to fly some poeple into the nearest place to Destin on June 30th or 31st. Any ideas on what location that would be and what airlines have service????

    Flights into Destin or near by

    American flies direct from Dallas to VPS (Ft Walton Beach-Valparaiso) about 1/2 hour from Destin

    You also have NWA - Delta - Continental flying into VPS

    If you want you can also try Panama City - about 45- to 1 hour from Destin

    Flights into Destin or near by

    Not a local . . . We%26#39;re headed to Destin for first time this summer and are flying into Pensacola. I%26#39;m hoping its only about 1 hr drive to Destin.

    vadreamer - we are flying into PNS and have for years,,,takes about 1 hour depending upon the time of day. It is an easy drive except through FWB,,,that gets tight.

    I would fly on into Ft. Walton (VPS). Generally there is not substancial savings going to PNS or Panama City.

    If you need airport transportation, then you can count on about 100.00 each way to either PNS or Panama City. 35.00 from VPS,.

    Northwest has the best service, Delta is next, however, try to avoid at all cost a flight operated by ASA, Atlantic Southeastern Airlines. American has a few flights a day from Dallas. Continental a few.

    There was about $110 difference per person between flying into PNS and VPS. PNS was cheaper. If I were purchasing just one airfare, I%26#39;d have gone for VPS, but for a family, the cost difference adds up so we chose PNS. JMHO.

    correct-PNS has cheaper flights and more available flight times all the way around,,,at least from my end of the world. Out of Texas may be a different story,,Delta has the best options. We rent a car for the week and deals can be had,,it is very economical and I would not want to be in Destin w/out wheels.

    Even flying into PNS, I would avoid any fight operated by ASA, Atlantic Southeastern Airlines.

    I guarantee your arrival time will be in question. Just make sure you are on a Delta Jet. Those usually come in on time.

    I flew to NYC (Laguardia) on Wed and returned on Fri out of PNS. Delta up and US Airways back. PNS is always substantially less than VPS, and I shop very carefully before I book flights.

    Also, I drove back from PNS on HWY 98 during rush hour on Fri and it only took a little over an hour. When leaving the airport in PNS make a left on 9th Ave and just stay on it until you hit 98 and follow the signs to FWB/Destin- much faster than taking 110 or I10 to Crestview. The traffic moved along just fine.

    JoeMammy, we%26#39;ll be coming from Mobile on I-10. What exit would you take to get to Okaloosa Island? We%26#39;ve taken all of them, but wondering which way you suggest. Thanks

    I like 87. Look for the rest area on the north side of I10 and when you see the Blue Angel up in the air you%26#39;ll know it%26#39;s the next exit. It will bring you in on 98 right by the Navarre bridge to the beach. You%26#39;ll then have about 15-20 minutes to Okaloosa Island.

    coming to Destin THIS weekend

    We are coming to Destin this weekend(May 19-24). Anything special we should hit? We are coming for to have a good time, laying on the beach, dining out, and partying. Any suggestions? Thx

    coming to Destin THIS weekend

    Try the Seaside Wine Festival.

  • benefit
  • Best route from Tampa

    Arriving Saturday- What is the quickest route from Tampa Airport to Crescent Beach area?? Thanks for the help.

    Also any signs of red tide coming at this time??

    Best route from Tampa

    SRQ Girl gives ';accidently';gives directions from Tampa under the post titled Directions. The poster is inquiring about directions from Sarasota airport to an area condo, if I remember correctly.

    A report on red tide is issued every Friday on the Florida Fish and Wildlife site. You can find it below.…

    Best route from Tampa


    Cheesh. I will never live down the Tamap airport directions instead of SRQ. ;-)

    From Tampa Airport:

    Take I-275 south to I-75. You will cross the Sunshine Skyway Bridge and there is a toll. Take I-75 south to exit 205. At exit 205, turn West on State Road 72 (also known as Clark Rd. and will turn in to Stickney Point Rd.). Go over Stickney Pt. Bridge. State Road 72 will dead end on Siesta Key at Midnight Pass Road. Depending on your lodging, you go right or left.


    SRQ Girl,

    One mistake out of many, many postings with great advice! You are the best!

    Smoke in Captiva?

    Just wondering if anyone knows whether the brush fires in parts of Florida are causing smoke in Captiva/Sanibel. Heading to SSR this week and hoping mother nature cooperates.

    Smoke in Captiva?

    Hope she does too, but I haven%26#39;t heard a word about Captiva, but if you take a look at the Tween Waters Inn beachcam and you can sometimes see the haze. [During daylight, of course.]

    Is there still Disney Bus Transportation park to park or not

    I have seen conflicting info on these boards. I am staying off property, so that may cause a change in my itinerary. I was there 2 years ago, and you could take a bus from one park to any other. What%26#39;s the scoop?

    Is there still Disney Bus Transportation park to park or not

    I quite sure anybody can ride the Disney buses

    Is there still Disney Bus Transportation park to park or not

    yes, Park to park Disney provides transport. Also Disney property resort to park and vice versa transport is provided. Also transfer from Airport to Disney resort is provided. Don%26#39;t forget other modes of transport such as boat to/from Epcot/MGM, or Monorail from Magic Kingdom/Epcot.

    Off Disney property resorts, check with your specific hotel. Most area hotels will provide transportation to the parks or the transportation and ticketing center which is the main parking lot for the Magic Kingdom as well.

    Does this clarify

    Yes, that clarifies! Thanks a bunch.

  • gray hair
  • Restaurant recommendations

    We will be spending our wedding anniversary at the Disney Resort on Orchid Island in Vero Beach. Can anyone recommend really good and romantic restaurants in the area. We don%26#39;t mind driving a bit if it%26#39;s worth it.

    PS. Have stayed at the resort before and the restaurants in the resort oare just OK.

    Restaurant recommendations

    Ocean Grill in Vero Beach right on the ocean is excellent. There are many new places in Vero that are on the Vero Beach forum. However the Patio is also good. Black Tulip too.

    Restaurant recommendations

    Worth the drive: Yellow Dog on the intercoastal in Malabar -- you%26#39;d go over the causeway to US1 and proceed north toward Melbourne; Malabar tiny area just before Malabar, you cannot miss it.

    Best restaurant in Vero (IMO) The Tides, Cardinal Drive one block off Ocean Drive/Beachland Avenue. Always innovative and fabulous, great ambience, wine list and presentation.

    Sally Daley,

    The Tides is by far my most favorite restaurant. There is also Tangos but that is VERY pricey and I feel not worth the ';stuffiness.'; Ocean Grill is always on my list for a wonderful meal but they don%26#39;t take reservations for less than 5 people. Ask for Gary--best waiter there is! Have not yet eaten at Monte%26#39;s but have heard it is very good. Not on beachside, we have had wonderful meals at Sunny Rhodes--it%26#39;s a family Greek Restaurant that serves absolutely wonderful Greek food, and the Italian Grill is also very good but it is in a shopping mall--not very romantic. Good luck.

    Also the Patio Restaurant on US 1 in Vero Beach is good. Great decor. About 20 to 30 minutes from your resort.

    Squid Lips and Captain Hirams in Sebastian are good too. Squid Lips for the food and Captain Hirams for the music and party atmosphere. Both are right on the Indian River. They are about 30 minutes north of Disneys resort

    The Ocean Grill is right on the ocean and we%26#39;ve had many special anniversaries there over the past 30+ years. The food is delicious and the service is excellent. The atmosphere is unique....there is no place like it!

    Hog Heaven vs. Woody's

    I%26#39;ll be leaving for Daytona in a month!!!

    Love southern BBQ but also love Florida seafood.

    Seeing as I%26#39;ll probably only fit 1 BBQ restaurant in, I%26#39;d like to know people%26#39;s opinions on these 2 places.

    Hog Heaven vs. Woody's


    To be honest neither were very good in our opinion. I am just being honest. Actually we never have found a really good BBQ place in Fl. Maybe it is because we are used to the excellant BBQ Kansas City has here. You probably know we are famous for that. Perhaps some of the other members know of a better BBQ place they did like. At any rate you can enjoy good seafood while you are there. We enjoy good seafood so much that we had it 5 out of the 10 days we were there last year LOL. There is something about being at the ocean that makes you want it more I think. We will be leaving May 31 so you are right behind me. I can%26#39;t wait, can you? Woowho....


    Hog Heaven vs. Woody's

    Thanks for your honesty punz,

    Maybe we%26#39;ll forgo the BBQ and stick with the seafood like you.

    Yes, I%26#39;m sure you have some pretty unbeatable BBQ where you are. You and the Memphis people that is.

    Maybe we%26#39;ll have our BBQ in NC on the ride down.(Theirs isn%26#39;t too shabby either).

    And no, even though I%26#39;m a first timer, I%26#39;m starting to look foward to it!

    Thanks for all your input. I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll have a great time!!!

    I would compare Woodys to southern BBQ I do not have an opinion of Hog Heaven.

    While we were in Daytona we tried all 3 BBQ places - Woody%26#39;s, sonny%26#39;s and Dustin%26#39;s - for us Dustin%26#39;s had the best baby back ribs - we ate their 3 times.

    As for seafood - generally seafood is not my cup of tea - however I ate Mahi Mahi, grouper and shrimp many times - our favourite was Our Deck down Under - huge portions and good service, also Aunt Catfish had pretty good food - just a little bit more expensive.

    Don%26#39;t forget to get to Cow Lick%26#39;s - great ice cream!

    Can%26#39;t wait to get back


    We ate at Hog Heaven on our last night in town, and didnt care for it.. From now on, we%26#39;re pretty well convinced that if you%26#39;re not in Memphis or KC, or somewhere really noted for their BBQ, dont even bother.

    Thank you all!

    ATTENTION T/A FOLKS: Lukes rib shack!!! 2136 s a1a in the winn dixie plaza. its%26#39; been open a couple months and it is a 9/10. i cooked for the miller lite bbq team at memphis in may international bbq cook-off for 7 years and this stuff is GOOD! the neat part is they offer it all: st louis style ribs, texas brisket and southern style pulled pork, sausage etc. trust me, a definite must try. ... dave

    Sounds great dbs dave, we will give it a try in July! thanks!

    Sounds great DBS,

    thanks for the info. Do you ever wonder why good BBQ is always served in a place with the word ';shack'; in the name?

    The Most Fun Key West Booze Cruise

    I will be in Key West Memorial Day weekend with 7of my friends (we%26#39;re all in our mid twenties). We are hoping to do a Booze/Sunset Cruise to kick off the evening. We%26#39;ve been on spring break cruises in Acapulco and Jamaica and we%26#39;re looking for something similar. Any ideas??



    The Most Fun Key West Booze Cruise

    Miz - I haven%26#39;t done either of these but intend to do so in 1.5 weeks...

    Danger Charters Wind %26amp; Wine (under sunset sails)

    or the Fury%26#39;s Commotion on the Ocean...

    You have time to do both (and to report back)


    The Most Fun Key West Booze Cruise

    there is one...

    check out the package that has liqour included.

    most only do beer and wine. if they have margaritas they are wine based margaritas.

    I haven%26#39;t yet been on them, but they seem like a good deal to me! if you guys didn%26#39;t mind just beer you could find some sunset cruises for as little as 20 bucks with just beer. (probably natty or bud light though)

    let me know if you decide to take them, we are all 23 and have had our eye on this one. (When I talked to the lady she said it was AYCD and you get a wristband to tell you what type of drinks you are allowed. platinum package always all varieties!)

    i don%26#39;t really think there are any booze cruises in KW similar to Jamaica or Mexico ... very laid back and all about the sunset .. very nice

    If you like to drink beer like I do then try Sunset Waterports. I went on it last summer and they do not let your cup go empty. YEA!!!

    They are walking around the entire time filling your cup up. It looks like they now charge $25 instead of $20 on their website though. Its worth it regardless. They do have soft drinks and play music as well.

    But you can probablly get a discount from the';bob in a box'; guy down at Key West Bight. This is also where they depart from.

  • benefit
  • Orlando airport transfer

    we (2 of us) need to get from Orlando international airport to Sandford Airport. We were quoted $80 one-way. Is there a cheaper way?

    Orlando airport transfer

    Don%26#39;t know if its cheaper, but have you checked Mears:

    There is a fare calculator and info about shuttle service there.

    Orlando airport transfer

    Thanks Eddie I%26#39;ll try them

    I doubt you will do it for much less , It 30 miles give or take a 1 or 2

    Dont think you will find any driect connections by any form of public transport. except Taxi / private hire.

    Is renting a car one way totally out of the question? You should be able to get one for around $40.


    Hey, I saw where there were fires burning in Fort Walton---are there any in Panama City or nearby? Causing any problems?


    I%26#39;m worried about this, too. We%26#39;re headed to PCB Monday and I%26#39;m worried about the fires/smoke. Any locals have any info to share?


    spoke to my mom today...she lives real close to the beach...they had a fire yesterday off back beach road and it was put out quickly....she didn%26#39;t say it was in cent FL, we are getting the smoke from the south GA fire, but today is very smokey

    Nothing major, there was a big fire on wednesday by the CVS on back beach, it caused a lot of traffic and a smoky smell, but it was gone by nightfall.

    Thanks, bunny!

    and congrats on your beautiful, bouncing new bundle of joy! :)

    Just got home from PCB- the fires were well contained. Another one started today but it was responded to quickly. Lots of signs saying watch for smoke from places still smoldering. The Flyover and Hathaway Bridge was closed one night as was a section of back beach rd on the west end but it poured today so hopefully the ground will be wet enough for a while.

  • guy myspace
  • help! where to stay in panama beach,fl.

    WE are in our 30%26#39;s and we would like to stay somewhere that%26#39;s fun,we are getting away from the kids so i guess maybe somewhere there%26#39;s not alot of small children.maybe a pool d.j. But cleanliness and comfort is important.

    help! where to stay in panama beach,fl.

    You might want to check out if you want to stay in a condo. What is your price range?

    help! where to stay in panama beach,fl.

    treasure island only 2bd

    sterling beach only 2 bd

    emerald isle only 2bd

    sterling reef only 2bd

    sunrise beach (master bed on balcony) 1bd-3

    emerald beach (master on balcony) 1bd-2

    seychelles 1-3

    gulfcrest 2-3

    calypso 1-3 bd

    majestic beach towers 1-3

    twin palms only 2bd

    ocean villa only 2bd

    i guess it depends on wether you want condos or not i named condos they are all oceanfront also like the other poster said whats your budget and location to do want to be where everything is or the quiet side

    racing5555 -- it%26#39;s going to be tough to find a place where there aren%26#39;t a bunch of kids b/c PCB is a family destination. However, you might try the Marriot Beach Club (if it%26#39;s still there) or Pinnacle Point. Read the reviews here and see what suits you best.

    Good Luck


    Hey Fellow Kentuckian!

    Whenever someone on here posts about a desire for a kid-free getaway, my first thought is always the new En Soleil resort. It is very upscale, small... with only a few large units per floor, and looks to be the kind of place that would be geared for adults. They have a website or has a few owner rentals as well. Good luck and have a great trip wherever you choose!

    I can recommend a small condo, very quiet, lake view, has shared pool and backs onto river, at St Thomas Square. We have just come back from our second stay and plan to go back again in November. It was very quiet both times we stayed.

    We book direct with the owners check out their website

    Would also agree with checking out vrbo website, as that is where we found this place.

    Stayed at Seychelles this week- would be glad to recommend it to you. VRBO # 100628. Not overrun with kids at all. Quiet beach, great bar (Schooners) next door with a band every night. Bar is not for the younger crowd- mid 20%26#39;s and up. Saw all walks of life there but mostly people in their late twenties to late 40s.

    Is Miami worth visting at this time ?

    Hi there - would love some info on what one can expect with the weather and vibe in Miami over the second half of this month (May).

    Have never been to Miami before and had 2 weeks off to visit - would love to know if May is a good period to visit for a vacation - i do hear that Huricane season is here - would that mean constant rain and generally gloomy conditions ?

    I dont mind a bit of rain as long as it doesnt take away from the vibe and cheerful atmosphere of the city

    Any advice would be appreciated.


    Is Miami worth visting at this time ?

    Well, you are in luck Hurricane Season doesn%26#39;t begin till June1st and June isn%26#39;t the most active months. Well we are suppose to start rainy season any day, rainy season, usually happens in the afternoon (3p.m. till 7 p.m. sbut we can have a full day of rain later in the season) from the heat build up over the everglades. I think you will be fine on the rain front, still in May.

    But the problem we are having for the last week and a half is the smoke in the area from the fires in the state and Georgia. There are 233 fires as of today buring in Florida alone. Even though there are no fires in Miami-Dade County, it has been really smokey, from the fires in other parts of the state and Georgia, all the way to here in Miami. Many people have been have respritory issues because it has been pretty think. Some places in the county have gotten to below .5 mile visibility.

    The sunrises have been pretty because of the heavy smoke, the sun is a pretty orange ball. The sunsets however have been hit or miss, last night there was so much smoke at the ground level that the sun was blocked totally from view. This is what you need to worry about more so than the rain.

    Is Miami worth visting at this time ?

    Well, you are in luck Hurricane Season doesn%26#39;t begin till June1st and June isn%26#39;t the most active months. Well we are suppose to start rainy season any day, rainy season, usually happens in the afternoon (3p.m. till 7 p.m. sbut we can have a full day of rain later in the season) from the heat build up over the everglades. I think you will be fine on the rain front, still in May.

    But the problem we are having for the last week and a half is the smoke in the area from the fires in the state and Georgia. There are 233 fires as of today buring in Florida alone. Even though there are no fires in Miami-Dade County, it has been really smokey, from the fires in other parts of the state and Georgia, all the way to here in Miami. Many people have been have respritory issues because it has been pretty think. Some places in the county have gotten to below .5 mile visibility.

    The sunrises have been pretty because of the heavy smoke, the sun is a pretty orange ball. The sunsets however have been hit or miss, last night there was so much smoke at the ground level that the sun was blocked totally from view. This is what you need to worry about more so than the rain.

    Yikes !!! that sounds crazy - any chance on this clearing up anytime soon ?

    I did hear the weather report is for rain the next couple of days - will that help ?

    I wish it would clear up as I have asthma issues, so I have been staying doors to avoid the smoke. We are expected to get some rain, but with thunderstorms which comes with lightning which can start more fires. So rain is good, but thunderstorms are no good.

    It cleared up for a few hours last Friday, the wind came out of the south where the fires weren%26#39;t, so we had clear air for a few hours, until the wind came back from the west or north with the smoke. It is pretty crazy the smoke is so thick they can see it from space and from satellite images, kind of like sand storms...We need to do the rain dance, minus thunderstorms though. I expect it to be smokey for the next week at the very least if not longer.

    airport taxi

    Just wondering if I should make a taxi/shuttle reservation ? Our plane gets in at 11:52pm. It wil be in September and i know that is the slow season. Thanks

    airport taxi

    No, I%26#39;ve come in at that time and there were still some cabbies sitting out there.

    airport taxi

    What would the taxi fare be from the airport to the outrigger?

    $50 for up to 2 people, $10 more for each additional person. All the taxis will be the same as they are government regulated by zone and not time meters. FMB happens to be in the $50 zone coming from the airport. You may be able to find a taxi co. offering a coupon, however. The public bus has a route from the airport to a beach trolley stop. That cost would be only $1.25 per person!!, but you%26#39;re at the mercy of their schedule. If interested, check schedules at

    ps if you choose a taxi service (I%26#39;ve used Apple transportation), definately make a reservation. They will monitor your flight, you call them when you get your bags, and they will pick you up in minutes as they will be waiting for your call from a cell phone lot on the airport grounds.

    Universal Studios

    Hiya - im a first timer to Florida and I was wondering how long I would need to enjoy Universal/Island of Adventures we were not sure whither to get a 2 week pass, a 5 day or just a 2 day! We have already bought Unlimitied pass for Disney.


    Universal Studios

    It really does depend on when you%26#39;re going and whether you want to do EVERYTHING (including the tours etc). We are going at a quiet time - September this year - and have planned one day at each park, and we%26#39;ll be able to do everything we want on those two days!

    I%26#39;ll be honest, I%26#39;d doubt you%26#39;d need more than one day in each park, unless you%26#39;re going at a busy time (i.e when the kids are off school) in which case I%26#39;d say to get a 5 day pass. You%26#39;ll not need 2 weeks for universal. For Disney, heck yeah, but not universal!

    Universal Studios

    Type of pass depends on several things, when you are going, ages of those in your party and their thrill ride level. We covered both parks in 2 days and went back half a day to do our favorites again iat IOA but had front of line passes b/c we stayed on site so lines were never a problem. The rides at Universal are more intense so may want to do them more frequently or less depending on interest.

    Hope that helps and enjoy.

    Hiya I am going in September - no kids - just me and my parther

    The good news is that in September, the crowds are low on weekdays, so you%26#39;ll be able to cover more grounds with fewer long lines.

    You can cover everything in both parks in 2 days time, even with repeats, if you go on a weekday both days. Just cover one park one day and the other park the next for a first time through.

    I would do the special they have withthe 5 days that%26#39;s plenty of time since you have the Disney tickets

    You can do both parks in one day a push, so two days is plenty. However I always prefer to opt for more days, as its nice to have flexibility. We often go to city walk in the evenings and just wander around and do some of our fav rides in the parks, when its quieter.

    I would opt for atleast a 5 day pass.

  • vb
  • Beach Bistro

    We are wanting to do a small wedding rehearsal dinner for 10 people. Their website of course does not show their prices...

    Can you give me a guestimate on the average price for...

    appetizers (i.e. - $15 range)

    main courses (i.e. - $20 or $30 range)





    Beach Bistro

    Tee, I would suggest that you give the Beach Bistro a call directly to make sure but the last time I was there my husband and I had one appetizer, two glasses of wine and two main courses, no dessert and it was 110.00. I would at least plan on 60.00 per person. Another nice place for a wedding rehearsal dinner is the Sun House at Bridgewalk, the chef is wonderful and will even design a menu for your party ahead of time and I believe it is a little less expensive.

    Beach Bistro

    Well, IMO the beach bistro was better a few years ago!

    Just my opinion but i found it overpriced for what you get...

    There are wedding dinners at the beach house too...

    hey rusty! How was your anniversary?


    Hey Floriander, it was great, I just posted a quick review, check it out.