Thursday, April 1, 2010

any news on the smoke

Hello sorry to go on about this but how is the smoke situation in orlando at the mo ? will be arriving on saturday

any news on the smoke

depends on the wind and wheter any more fires occur and where they it rained and there was no smokey

any news on the smoke

Ah so you guys got the rain. It clouded up here but no rain to speak of. No smoke either so the wind direction must have changed.

The ';big fire'; at the FL/GA border is still going strong this morning, from what I heard on the news, so as long as that thing is burning with the other local fires, the possibility exists for smoky conditions in Orlando.

As stated, it depends on the wind direction.

I haven%26#39;t personally smelled smoke (in north Orlando area) since early Saturday morning. Hopefully that won%26#39;t change.

  • oily skin
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