Saturday, April 3, 2010

Panama City Nightlife?

i was treated to a trip to florida for graduation. im looking for a nice beach with a great nighlife. [people our age, 18] any suggestions? maybe another beach?

Panama City Nightlife?

The 2 big night clubs are Spinnakers and Club LaVela.

I know one of these has teen nights, though I forget which one.

Do a seach on the web and you should be able to find their websites.

Panama City Nightlife?

Club Lavela has teen nights it is featured on MTV sometimes, has a nice deck area and pool which is accessable from the beach in the day. I%26#39;m sure they must have a website that you could check out, I may be wrong but I%26#39;m sure I heard that it is the biggest or one of the biggest nightclubs in America ( I may be wrong ) The beach is great with the usual paragliding etc available.

Those are the most popular nightclubs from what I here. They used to be on MTV specials during spring break, not sure about this year.

You might want to post on the ';Panama City Beach'; forum instead of this one. It%26#39;s for the beach area.

Also, my 19 yr old and her friend are going with us. I%26#39;m pretty sure you only have to be 18 to get in the clubs and 21 to drink. I%26#39;m not too crazy about that rule, but I trust them to make good decisions.

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