Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crown Currency have delivered

At last I can sleep easy ... despite the reassurances from other posters who have bought their currency via Crown - I did worry.

The money came today via registered a few days early.

I am delighted and will use them again.

Some friends and clients were waiting to see what happened because they were unsure ... it looked too good to be true ... it was too good a deal.

Well Crown have been as good as their word and I am chuffed it was so simple. They are offering $2.02 later in the year and after this experience I will not buy elsewhere.

Crown Currency have delivered

Agree with Vegas. Got my dollars on time as promised. Crown currency is recommended.

Crown Currency have delivered

Hi Mr Vegas

I was in the same boat and recieved mine without a problem last week.My only concern with buying up front is if the rates where going down would CC still offer the same level of service.In my case i got 2-1 but they had my money for about four months and i could have got 1.96 in London in the last couple of weeks.

Hello mike I agree with you and I did the maths on it - but the rates were quite low when i bought and I think it has definitely been worth the experiment. I would take $2 anytime.

I am just glad Crown were better than I expected and i can recommend them on here as being safe.

I am expecting mine on June 4th, but have been told they might come early on sat June 2nd. Will let you know if they come through.


I%26#39;ve used Crown Currency Exchange a couple of times and like you was initially weary of giving someone my money so early. But the cash arrived as scehduled (a few days early in fact) and I got what I thought was a good rate. They were friendly and easy to deal with too. As it turned out, if I%26#39;d waited, I could have got a better deal from Marks %26amp; Spencer or Travelex, but that is the chance you take when you tie yourself into an exchange rate so far ahead.

However, with the Pound/Dollar rate the way it is currently, it is hard to see it going too much higher - but you never know. You pays your money and you takes your choice (chance!).

Enjoy spending your Dollars

Rates will always fluctuate and we all have to make a choice as to when to buy and who from.

However the main concern from everyone is %26#39;Will I get my money?%26#39; with Crown Currency the answer is YES.

I will certainly use them again.

Its always nice to read other peoples reassurances, as I was thinking of using crown for when we go next April, They are offering i think $2.01 which sounds really good to me. I may go ahead now and order for then, even though its so long away.

I had to get some from M+S today and I got $1.90. Historically it has not gone much above $1.75 in my experience and my lowest deal was $1.34. That is why anything above 拢1.80 I snap up as a big bonus. Chinners thinks that the dollar will still be fragile for a bit yet. I am a sceptic and worry that it will not stay this high for long.

Therefore I would have a go for next April - gamble.

Hi Vegas

Pleased that Crown came through for you - i remember you posting that you had taken a punt at the back end of 06 - like everyone who has parted with all their spenders a few months before take off, i was either being sceptical or stupid! Of course they didnt let me down when delivering to me in Dec and for that,im proud to be stupid!!

Using them for some Aus $$%26#39;s in November and currently spreading the good word about them!

PS: Jon Atterman at Crown has offered to buyback any TC%26#39;s that remain since i returned - i dont think they advertise that to be fair.

PPS: Returning from Orlando with TC%26#39;s - now that really is stupid!!

All The Best

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