Thursday, April 1, 2010

Golf Carts

This will be my first trip to Sanibel. We are coming May 26 to June 2. I have a dumb question. If you rent a golf cart, where can you drive it? Is it only for the streets or can you use it on the bike trails?

And what about the 2 person surrey? I have not been on a bike in years.....not going to tell you how many. Are these hard to pedal?

I would love to rent a bike, but I just dont think I would make it too far LOL

Thanks for any info you can give me.

Golf Carts

Golf carts are not meant to be substitutes for bikes. Segway%26#39;s are allowed, but I think you need to be with a group. The bike paths are meant for walkers, rollerbladers, bikers, and those on Segways, not golf carts, which should use the road and then only in very limited places. You also cannot use them after dark. Personally, I don%26#39;t think they%26#39;re worth the money, except on Captiva where there are no bike paths.

As for a surrey, well, if your legs aren%26#39;t in great shape, I doubt you will go far. Any bike requires a fair amount of work. On the upside, Sanibel is flat as a pancake, so you sure won%26#39;t be struggling up hills and the surreys have bench seats, so your butt will be more comfortable. And they do have tops, so you get a little shade - and believe me. since the high canopy of trees is gone, that%26#39;s a big deal.

Check out the Segway tours thru Billy%26#39;s. It might be a good compromise.

Golf Carts

Check out the Scoot Coupes at

I have seen them on the road on Sanibel and they seem to be a nice way to get around if you are not into biking.

I saw them when I was down Sue and they are cute. Don%26#39;t know about cost. I also saw golf carts on Sanibel, but not many and mostly off Periwinkle Way. Hope the baby is thriving!

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