Saturday, April 3, 2010

Would you do Royal Table 1st park day on a Saturday?

We are arriving late on Ffriday Oct 5 so we can get an early start to MK on Saturday. It is our first tip to Disney with our 10 year old daughter. I made an ADR for the Royal Table for dinner on Wed for 5:45 so we can see spectromagic and Wishes but since we are ALSO going to MNSSHP on Tuesday I think by Wed we wil be ready for another park. I would like to switch our ADR to Saturday but am not even sure we can get an ADR for Royal Table at this point.

We can do lunch or dinner and would also like to see Spectromagic and Wishes but am concerned the park wil be too crowded later in the day on Saturday or we%26#39;ll be too pooped to stay on.

Any suggestions?

Would you do Royal Table 1st park day on a Saturday?

you can call and ask to change to the royal table. if you do go... it will be crowded. don%26#39;t waste valuable morning time when you could be collecting fastpasses. if you are going to do it. go at night for dinner.

Would you do Royal Table 1st park day on a Saturday?

If you want to switch to Saturday, call and see if there are any openings for then. You%26#39;ll need to know that before any other arrangements are changed.

Saturdays in October at M.K. are more crowded than weekdays, due to the locals coming on the weekends.

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