Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cellphones next??

Now that we (those who do not want private space intrusion by thoughtless smokers)havesuceeded ,let%26#39;s start snuffing out rude cellphone behavior. Ever arisen to the melodious yelling of your neighbor on his/her balcony recapping yesterday%26#39;s events? Or how about the person seated in front of you on ';Pirates';shining the camera phone in your eyes. Needless to say I voiced my displeasure on those occasions. But why should we have to police rude behavior? Let Disney cordon off cellphone zones so all the screamers can compete with one another.

Cellphones next??

I agree that cellphone use in the attractions is thoughtless and rude. It seems everyone and their dog has a cellphone with them now and insists on putting the ringer on extra loud so they can hear it above the attraction%26#39;s sound system! LOL

While I bet there are going to be lots of people firing off excuses why they need to have their phones glued to their ears while their on vacation, I still think there is no excuse good enough to keep their phones on while visiting theme parks with their families. This is your holiday! If someone needs to call you, let them leave a voice mail on your phone, or at your hotel. Or, set a time on a certain day before you leave home, when you plan to be around to talk to family/friends back home. That%26#39;s what my husband %26amp; I do, and there%26#39;s no worry about carrying the phone, or losing it.

The last time we were at Disney, Universal, Sea World, etc in January/06, I was shocked at the cell phone use during shows. One host of a show took a lady%26#39;s cell phone from her, after she had answered, and was busy chatting loudly away to her mother. The host spoke to the mother on the phone, and asked her if she knew how rude her daughter was being by interrupting his show, and making it difficult for the rest of the audience to hear. Then he gave the cell phone back to the lady. That lady was sitting right beside me, and she apologized. I bet she felt stupid!

I don%26#39;t know how easy it would be for Disney or any other company to control the use of cell phones in the parks, but even some signs up showing some ';cell phone etiquette'; in the attractions would help a lot. :) Also, everyone should remember, it%26#39;s vacation time! Time to leave all that stuff behind, and have fun! Cell phones don%26#39;t belong on Aerosmith%26#39;s Rock n Rollercoaster or the Krakken in Sea World! Let loose, you don%26#39;t see Mickey with a phone to his ear, do you? :)))

Cellphones next??

I couldn%26#39;t agree more. Most calls are a waste of time and only succeed in annoying everybody in their vicinity.

I insist on turning mine off, or putting it on silent whenever I am on a train or in the parks. Everyone has voicemail so catch up with your messages at a convenient time.

You%26#39;re supposed to be on holiday after all!

The world was much better without cellphones. People with rude manners just got ruder.

Where shall it all stop, it sems that the thought police of the world want to totally remove everything and seem intent on Banning anything they deem fit.

I never take my mobile on holiday with me but it doesnt bother me if others are using theirs

Live and let live a bit more.

Freedom was fought for by our fathers and grandfathers



I myself haven%26#39;t noticed this behaviour in the parks as of yet. But I haven%26#39;t been for a couple of years so I%26#39;m thinking maybe it%26#39;s a new development.

Or maybe Boston is feeling crabby and wants to complain about something ;-)

BostonTom crabby, never. I think all these ideas for bans should be brought to disneys attention at once. I am sure they would considor banning anything that they do not make money on. And then they would dearly hope that you would break that rule so the could fine you and make more money. As I stated, the resort at which I own a timeshare at in 2006 also was made non-smoking. If the unit has been deemed to have smoked in you will be charged a $250 de-smoke fee for the room. Just wonder why they can de-smoke a 1300 square foot room for $250, and it costs Disney $500 to do the same for a room 1/3 the size. Yes there is definatly some profit to be made on this ban!

Ahhhh......a pet peeve of mine, cellphone aholoics and their loud inane conversations. For some reason these rude cellphone users think their phone is actually a dixie cup with a string attached to it and find the need to scream into it.......and for those who like to bring up the ';freedom issue';, what happened to common courtesy, the loss of personal space, and the freedom of not being subjected to a loud conversation of a parents concern about little johnnies bowel movements, should we not all be free of that?......and don%26#39;t get me started of cellphones on airplanes.....public cellphone users should be herded like the smokers and put into a confined area where they can battle for who has the loudest and stupidest public phone conversation......(hint to the aviation authorities...start at the US airports)...............venting has ended...go in peace.....:)

Cellphones, everyone seems to hate them, but everyone seems to have one.

Mine sits in my car, in case I get a flat, don%26#39;t even know the #.......and very proud of that fact......:)

do not take mine on holiday we used to but everyone kept phoning to see how we were and weather we were enjoying ourselfs couldnt get away from it all at all, so now we leave the phone number of hotel etc with sister and leave all mobiles at home if there is a emergancy at home we are so far away that we couldnt do anyting straight away anyway not being funny there or anything but its true, i am on holiday time family time the rest of the world can stay in a bubble till i get home..............

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