Thursday, April 1, 2010

Trip Report - Part 2

Arrived at Homewood Suites and have to say this was one of the best hotels we have ever stayed in. The free breakfast was more than adequate to set you up for the day and then there is the manager%26#39;s party Monday to Thursday 5pm to 7pm which consists of free beer, wine and soft drinks and a different meal every day. A lot of people looked as if they were just having this as their dinner and not bothering to go out and pay to eat.

Did lots of shopping at the outlets - well the dollar is sooo favourable to us at the moment. Had a look at Celebration. Very nice but wouldn%26#39;t want to live there, a bit too ';Stepford Wives'; or ';Truman Show'; for me. We took a trip on an airboat which you drive yourself. Great fun and we saw lots of wildlife. Went to Universal / Island of Adventure. Bought the 2park / 1day hopper as we have been lots of times before. Always think Universal is a rip off compared to Disney. Food, drink and icecreams are much dearer and you have to pay if you want fast passes. Of course the day we were there every kid in Florida seemed to be having a school trip so the lines were really long. Managed to do most of our favourites but gave up at the water rides. Really didn%26#39;t have the inclination to wait 90mins just to get soaked ( would have been good as temp. was 96).

One show I would definitely recommend is the Outa Control Magic Show in Wonderworks on International Drive. It was $22 but there is always discount coupons available. This entitles you to all the beer/soft drinks and pizza/ salad you can eat plus the show which was hilarious. Suitable for all ages and the night we were there there was a 6th or 7th grade school party in. Some of their teachers were ';volunteered'; to help in the show and you can imagine the reaction of these kids when they had to do silly things in front of them. I bet it will be a while before they live that one down!

Had 1day left on our Disney passes and decided to go to DisneyQuest as we had never been before. Boy are we glad we did! Advise anyone to give it a go not just the teenage boys. There is something for everyone and considering we were only going to go for a couple of hours we managed to spend about 6-7 hours in there.

Well that was our 2weeks. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed doing it. I%26#39;m sure there was lots I left out but you get the gist of it and for anyone going to Orlando soon ---- enjoy!!!

Trip Report - Part 2

Thanks for the review and the magic show tip. Too bad they are closing Disney Quest.

Trip Report - Part 2

Hey Bearhug

Thanks for both parts of your trip report. Glad to know you enjoyed yourself.

Did you buy your Universal/IOA tickets at the gate and how much did you pay?

I;m glad you enjoyed Disney Quest we hated it I got my money back when we went there

To Jono Bareso, We bought the Universal/IOA tickets at a Visitor Information Center in one of the outlets and paid $71 each including tax. Could have got them cheaper on the internet before we went but we weren%26#39;t sure that we were definitely going to go. Can%26#39;t believe they are closing DisneyQuest. When is that happening? Glad we went when we did.

Thanks for the info Bearhug


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