Saturday, April 3, 2010

WDW - January or February?

We are looking to plan a trip to WDW for early 2008. We would like to visit when there are very few crowds. Which month would be better - Jan or Feb? Between those 2 months, which weeks should we avoid (we heard to avoid President%26#39;s Day weekend). We%26#39;re not interested in going to the water parks. However, our friends have a swimming pool, so it would be nice to enjoy it while we are there. Can we swim during the winter months?


WDW - January or February?

Heated pool? Yes can swin. Unheated? No.

Late Feb after Pressies week best for weather +crowds, Jan better for crowds/prices.

WDW - January or February?

What about going in October? I have visited in jan/feb twice and October twice and definately prefer October. It is warmer than jan/feb and just as quiet.

October is a great time apart from being huricane season and isn%26#39;t a %26#39;value%26#39; period for the disney hotels like Jan. I ouwldn[t dissmiss it out of hand, but you have to be careful on times prices.


We thought about October, but didn%26#39;t want to wait over a year to visit our friends who just moved there. Hmmm...I will have to think about this a bit more.

Hello nature,

I love Disney in January and February. For least crowded times the 2nd week of January through the 1st week of February are the best times to visit in those months. The 2nd week of February until President%26#39;s week and the last week of February isnt%26#39; too bad either. If I had my choice I would go between the 2nd week of January through the 1st week of February.

Best prices and fewest crowds happen in January, after the first week. However, not necessarily the best weather.

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