Thursday, April 1, 2010

Is there ever early check in at Disney Resorts?

Our plane will be landing around 9:30 a.m. I know it will take a little time to get our rental car and get to Disney. I am hoping we are there and ready to get started by 11:30. Are the rooms ever ready for early check in? What%26#39;s the earliest you have ever gotten in? Even if I don%26#39;t get into my room early, I still have to go and check in before we hit the parks correct?

Is there ever early check in at Disney Resorts?

we usually get in before noon when we make weekend trips and stay and have never had a problem checking in early. as long as your room is ready, there shouldnt be an issue. if its not ready you will be able to leave your bags with a bellman and return. trust me, they WANT you in those parks and not waiting around to check in. you spend more money in the parks than in the lobby of a hotel. have fun!

Is there ever early check in at Disney Resorts?

If you are booking a Magic Your Way package and your tickets are going to be ';on'; your room key, then yes, you will have to check in at registration before heading to the parks.

Your room key will be your park ticket as well, in most cases.

We do have a magic your way package. I was wondering how that worked.

They call the room key the ';Keys to the Kingdom'; in that the same card (with you name on it) serves as room key, tickets, dining credit card, and allows you to make purchases at Disney venues and charge the purchase to your room.

It%26#39;s an ';all in one'; card while you are staying there.

How easy is that! Sounds great. Hopefully our room will be ready early and off to the parks we will go.

You can check-in anytime. If your room isn%26#39;t ready, they will hold your bags and off you can go. They will give you a phone number to call to check and see if and when your room is ready. When you get back to the Resort you can go straight to your room and your bags will be there, just like magic !

It%26#39;s true you can check in anytime, although you may not have a room to place your bags in immediately. When I sent my son and his best friend for graduation, they took the red eye overnight and arrived at 6:00am.

They were at the reception check-in by 6:45am. They left their bags, checked in, and went off to the park. Came back about noon and found their room was ready.

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