Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Am I doing too many things

Going to Disney June 8th for 3 Nights, staying at the Sheraton Vistana Village.

While I am there, I would like to drive up to Daytona Beach, go to Magic Kingdom, and also Typhoon Lagoon. And at night visit Pleasure Island and Downtown Disney.

Am I crazy, is this too much to do?????

Am I doing too many things

I think it depends on how many days you have rather than how many nights. If you are arriving late on the first day, you%26#39;ll be hard pushed to see everything you want to, if you%26#39;re arriving before lunch time, you can easily do them all.

You can visit the water park in the first afternoon, followed by downtown disney. I would then go to Daytona the second day - you may be late back. Then you could see Magic Kingdom on your last day followed by Pleasure Island (it may be best to leave that until last as you will no doubt want to get up early on the other days).

Am I doing too many things

If the 15 month old will be with you the whole time going to Daytona Beach may be pushing it, it%26#39;s abit of a drive. If that%26#39;s the case and the trip is about going to Disney, I would do two Disney Parks, 1 day 1 and 1 day 2 and then TL in the am on the 3rd day and PI and DTD that night. Just my thoughts

Well the day we get there we arrive into Orlando at 9:30a.m And the day we leave we won%26#39;t be leaving until 6:00pm So we have just about 4 days.

As far as the baby he is awesome in the car, you put in his toddle music CD and your set for hours.

I just don%26#39;t know I guess if we should do Typhoon Lagoon if we are going to Daytona. Or if the baby will love Magic Kingdom or if he is too young, just so much to consider. I just want this to be a fun and exciting trip for everyone as all of us haven%26#39;t been there in like 15 years.

The 15 month old will love Magic Kingdom, but he would probably love the beach too.

If you must leave something off your list, forego the Typhoon Lagoon visit and take him to the beach instead.

You%26#39;ll still have time to fit in Downtown Disney in the evening of one of your days.

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