Sunday, March 28, 2010

shelling conditions

If the red algae is bad on a particular beach one day, does that necessarily mean that the shelling will also be bad? Do the 2 go hand in hand, or can the shelling be great despite the algae being present?

shelling conditions

There are still shells but it%26#39;s not attractive to rummage through the stuff. It does seem that there is not as many shells as without the stuff. The problem is being able to see and spot the good ones!

shelling conditions

It all depends on lwhat is there and what kind of shelling you do.

If there is a strip of algae on the beach but none in the water as is often the case, then the best shelling which is in the water by the sand bars several feet/yards off-shore should be about the same as always.

If you like to look on shore for the little treasures then of course the seaweed will make it more difficult.

I doubt that the presence of seaweed itself actually affects the amount of shells in total as the shells roll in along the bottom and the seaweed floats in along the surface- meeting at the shoreline.

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