Sunday, March 28, 2010

Atlantic Shores is actually closing

We visited there this weekend and they confirmed that the last day will be May 30.... Sad to see a KW institution pass away. It has certainly changed a lot over the last few years as the ownership and plans shifted, but over the years, it%26#39;s been a presence in Key West for both visitors and locals alike.

Anyone hear of any place that might try to fill the gap?

Atlantic Shores is actually closing

I%26#39;m afraid that Atlantic Shores was one of a kind and when the wrecking balls falls, it will go into the diverse history of Key West. Tea Dances, Thursday night movies... The whole thing. One of only three Art Deco style buildings I%26#39;m aware on the Island.

Atlantic Shores is actually closing

I am going to miss it. We had many good times there over the years.


can you tell me about the thursday night movies? we will be there on the 24th and thought about going, for one of the last ones- just really not sure what to expect.



Thursday night movies are fun! Its 5 bucks I think and you get free popcorn! There are lawn chairs to relax in and you can have cocktails before during and after! I think I heard somewhere on White Street was going to take over but I forget where.

Atlantic Shores has been one of our favorite places. It will truely be missed.

The movies are pretty neat. They set up in the parking lot. Lawn chairs are set out and they serve free popcorn. Really reminded of the old drive-ins except this was lawn chairs instead of cars.

They told me when we stopped in in April that they were knocking her down and simply rebuilding a new hotel...same condos... I am not sure what changes are in mind other than surely more rooms, and a higher room charge per night...I was told many will be waterview with balconies.......but from all the threads...they needed to do something...she was worn out and needed a ton of work to meet codes. A couple of the pool employees said they were assured of jobs.

Thanks Arnie and Flattop- the movie night sounds fun! We may have to check it out since it will be be the last offical one! Any idea how I can find out what movie is playing ( ike it matters) and what time is starts?


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