Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sanibel beach conditions - 5-14-07

I have requested TripAdvisor place a %26#39;sticky%26#39; at the top of the forum page with a link to the website where Beach Conditions are posted on the City of Sanibel%26#39;s press release page. Once it%26#39;s there, I will no longer post daily updates as received unless something unusual is happening.

Please note: Algier%26#39;s beach by Ocean%26#39;s Reach and Golden Beach condos remains the most seriously impacted area at this time.

As always, live reports on beach conditions are very welcome.


AS OF 9:00 A. M., May 14, 2007

As of this morning, May 14th, 2007, Sanibel public beach park conditions are as follows:

Blind Pass Beach - No algae present. Beach is in good condition.

Bowman%26#39;s Beach - No algae present. Beach is in good condition.

Lighthouse Beach:

From the Fishing Pier to Lighthouse Point - No algae present. Beach is in good condition.

From Lighthouse Point to the Gulf side - No algae present. Beach is in good condition.

Turner Beach - No algae present in the immediate offshore surf zone. Algae present at the high tide line, approximately 3%26#39; wide, and up to 3'; deep.

Tarpon Bay Beach - Algae present at the water line, approximately 1%26#39; wide, and up to 1'; deep. Algae present in the immediate offshore surf zone.

Algiers Beach (Gulfside City Park) - Algae present at the water line, approximately 8%26#39; wide, and up to 10'; deep. Algae present in the immediate offshore surf zone.

Sanibel beach conditions - 5-14-07

I%26#39;m getting depressed reading these beach reports. I%26#39;ll be staying at Casa Ybel which I believe is on Algiers Beach. This area seems to frequently be among the worst affected. Shelling is a high priority on my vacation. Can I walk along the beach off the Casa Ybel property and access a cleaner stretch, or do I need to herd the family in the minivan and drive to it?

Sanibel beach conditions - 5-14-07

Joe, I hear ya, I am staying right next door to you at Ocean%26#39;s Reach. I have been watching the beach report and I was relieved that Algiers had been pretty clean the past week or two. Then it changed these past couple of days. It will continue to have some good days and some not so good. As will the whole island. The algae affects different beaches different days. We were there in December and there was algae for a couple of days. It didn%26#39;t spoil our good time, we wished it wasnt there, but it is what it is and we made the best of it.

The days that it is bad, just walk down the beach until it clears up, or drive to Captiva or another beach and play, or drink Mojitos at Doc Fords and forget about it!

If this is any consolation, it was really bad this time last year, and there was a guy posting about how bad the conditions were around the island (anyone remember unixkid?). Which of course was true. But all of a sudden the whole red algae phenomenon basically came to screetching halt! Very little to speak of for the next few weeks if I remember correctly.

So keep your fingers crossed.


The coverage is so spotty that even if the beach report for Algiers isn%26#39;t great, Casa Ybel can be clean.

I know it%26#39;s hard to do but the best thing is to no watch the daily reports, it will drive you crazy. Like watching a stock portfolio. You%26#39;re in it for the long term or you will go nuts!

(Which is why I don%26#39;t do stocks since I look at the beach report daily....)

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