Saturday, March 27, 2010

typhoon lagoo vs blizzard beach for young adults

Hey guys. I just have a quick qustion. Ill be traveling to orlando this friday(can%26#39;t wait) and mysellf and 3 others ages ranging from 22-25 are looking for a fun, large and exciting water park. If been to both typhoon lagoon and blizzard beach about 6 years ago or so. Has ther been any major changes? And for our age group which park would have the least amout of kids(I know its disney but lol), best slides, largest layout and more relaxing type of atmosphere. Thanks guys in advance!!!

typhoon lagoo vs blizzard beach for young adults

I%26#39;d go with Blizzard Beach. Oh, wait I am going to Blizzard Beach... this Saturday!!!! WooHoo for me!!!

Yes, BB has the more %26#39;radical%26#39; rides of the 2 parks. There are %26#39;hidden%26#39; or more private areas to hang out at, just gotta get there early enough to score one of those seats. Haven%26#39;t decided where it%26#39;s quietest in BB though.

typhoon lagoo vs blizzard beach for young adults

Your best bet is Blizzard Beach then those rides are very high up and lots of walking

Blizzard Beach is virtually the same as 6 years ago, while Typhoon Lagoon has added a couple of new water slide rides (Crush %26amp; Gusher comes to mind).

Typhoon Lagoon is larger, is more spread out, and has a more relaxed feel to it than does Blizzard Beach.

However, Blizzard Beach has the biggest, longest, and fastest water slides of all the parks.

As for kids, there will be plenty at both, but the big slides at Blizzard have a height requirement that might make it a little less ';kidsville'; than Typhoon.

Is there any way you can visit both parks to get the full experience?

Thanks guys for all of the advice!!! Umm I don%26#39;t think we have time to do both parks. But as far as a layout goes, is typhoon lagoon much larger?


We went to both parks last year and are the same age group as you definitely choose typhoon lagoon, it has the beat wave pool and the new crusher and gusher is brilliant. we think it is definitely more fun here but you can also chill aswell.


TL is bigger and more relaxed. BB has more radical adreneline rides (but that means climbing and waiting times). My 3 teens prefer the wave pool at TL as there is less waiting, and more prolonged fun when the waves start. And mine love crusher/gusher.

It%26#39;s all a balance- if you go at a non crowded time with less in the way of lines for the biggies, then you might like BB. If you don%26#39;t like lines and waiting with your thrills then TL. No waiting to ride the waves- a bit of a wait for CG. Compact- BB. More spread out TL.

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