Saturday, March 27, 2010

for those who have used tour guide mike

i am reading through the sample tours and everything seems so rushed. if you followed them what did you think?

for those who have used tour guide mike

We used the TGM for our vacation last Oct. and we found it very good. Yes, it does seem to be a bit rushed but you can always slow down the pace a little - not too much because crowds fill up the parks in no time flat...

There is a ton of info about WDW and it is very important to read all that is said about each park, in what order to do the rides etc. By using that info, we did 90% of the rides at least twice if not three times. If you have more questions, give me a shout.

for those who have used tour guide mike

thanks! as i was reading i kinda felt like everything would pass by so fast there wouldnt be time to take it all in. in my head i am picturing us running around like mad to see each thing before there are tons of people.

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