Saturday, March 27, 2010

Upgrades for the famous?

Well wouldn%26#39;t quite say famous - my network debut is on June 14th at 9pm on BBC3 - called make me a baby. I%26#39;m the fat one that worked at Ann Summers.

Anyone dare me to say ';Don%26#39;t you KNOW who I am?!'; at check-in? lol

Upgrades for the famous?

Ah, sorry Caroline - I%26#39;ll miss your debut - we fly to Orlando on the 14 June 2007 for 2 weeks! Hope it is repeated!

Upgrades for the famous?

What about Sky Plus - don%26#39;t you know who I am?!?!? lol

I know you are probably kidding, but in case you aren%26#39;t, you should call the hotel directly and make special arrival arrangements as a VIP. Most hotels anywhere will do this, to protect privacy and so on.

I stayed at a hotel once while John Travolta was there, and they let him use a back door.

I don%26#39;t know if he got an upgrade though, haha!

If you%26#39;re talking about staying in America, if Nick Faldo can eat on a sidewalk table on Park Ave without being noticed (at least I walked right by him and no one was bothering him), I%26#39;m not sure if they would give you VIP treatment,. Then again, I wouldn%26#39;t go walking down I-Drive if I were you!

Now that Nick is the lead color commentator for CBS Sports Golf, he may have a harder time eating on Park Ave, though.

Now I might pay some money if you try to say ';Do you know who I am'; to an American policeman!

i have seen the trailer i would be keeping my mouth closed and hopeno one reconizes me

What trailer?

For the program? You mean there%26#39;s a trailer? I didn%26#39;t know that - does it look as though I would be better of NOT admitting to being on it?

Caroline, I may have seen a trailer of it too (or something in the press but I have more visual memories).

Not sure but when you were describing it and yourself I felt that lightbulb appearing in my head that signals recognition!

Uh oh. Recognition from others when I don%26#39;t even recognise myself sometimes - bad sign?

Ok, erm, help, or err, ummmm oh I know, I made the whole thing up, not REALLY me, just someone who looks like me, who lives in the same town as me and also has a daughter called Hannah at the same age. Funny - small world, isn%26#39;t it?! *ducks and runs* lol

Visions of being hailed as the new Lizzie Bardsley. Minus the zillion kids. And the benefits. And the language.

If it helps I have no idea who Lizzie B is. So maybe we%26#39;ll forget we knew you.............;)

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