Saturday, March 27, 2010

dinner reservations required

I realize if you have a large party reservations are almost always a good idea anywhere. Are reservations mandatory/required for say Santiago%26#39;s Bodega or Alice%26#39;s (to name a couple) if your only a party of four? Other than the tapa%26#39;s at Santiago%26#39;s Bodega I would rather walk down the street and say ';hey everyone was talking about this place lets go in!';

dinner reservations required

For a party of four you should be ok at Alices but for Santiago%26#39;s I would make a reservation even if I was a party of 2. Its a small place.

dinner reservations required

Arnie67 Thank you, thats the one place I do not want to miss.

Its wonderful! Don%26#39;t miss it and go there with an appetite. Everything is really good.

It would also depend on what time of year you are going.........summer is much less crowded, never had to wait yet.

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