Saturday, March 27, 2010

I made it!

Thanks BK for the web address. Howdy to all ya%26#39;ll I don%26#39;t know already from IOKW.

I made it!

Say hello fast.

I made it!


Hello darlin good to see you here!

It%26#39;s a bit different structure wise comparative to IOKW. Takes a bit of getting used to.

I think it might be easier... but what you said about this is what I thought about the other site.

Hey Buddy, good to see you here!

Hi Chris!

I%26#39;m the same name both places...:-)

BTW, we have sweedish family coming in on Friday! Looking forward to it!

Hey all! Where in Sweden is the family from, do you know? When you meet them, you can tell them we live in H枚llviken, which is in Sk氓ne, south of Malm枚, in Vellinge kommun.

Grums, S盲ter and (sounds like) katsuga? New relatives we recently found. (half brother that dad didn%26#39;t know he had). The language barrier is interesting to say the least. The younger ones coming (mid twenties) are the interpreters. They (younger ones) may make a trip to KW while here, after the elders return to Sweden.

Never heard of anywhere like that. Any idea which part of Sweden it is? Just to summarize, Sk氓ne, where I live is the far southern region. Then to the west and north (which you would see as west central Sweden) is Gothenburg area; east and central is Stockholm area. Anything further north than that I have absolutely no clue about other than it is colder than hell and the people are considered ';less sophisticated';. Call it the boonies of Sweden.

Have no idea where it

';Call it the boonies of Sweden.'; Probably where they are. They raise horses.

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