Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ice Cold Beer

I keep reading how everyone likes Ice Cold Beer (ICB). IMO the colder the beer the less taste it has. Not that it tastes bad, but that it seems to lose its taste altogether. This is part of the reason I prefer draft beer. Draft beer is usually cooled but not iced and so has more flavor. The next best is a bottle of cool beer poured into a chilled glass. And the extreme is warm Guiness which I%26#39;ve had once or twice in Key West, but don%26#39;t amake a habit of.



Ice Cold Beer

I don%26#39;t drink draft beer in Key West because of the hot climate and many bars don%26#39;t properly clean and maintain the taps and plumbing between the keg and tap. This makes a bacteria and yeast magnet. I believe Fogarty%26#39;s was closed down for several days so they could flush out all the grime and bugs from the lines between the cooler inside and the Flying Monkey%26#39;s bar 100 feet away. I%26#39;ll stick with chilled bottled beer.

Ice Cold Beer

Had the room temp beer in Canada once and liked it think it was Labatts (spelling). I don%26#39;t like the ICB also, really don%26#39;t like to drink Beer if it%26#39;s to hot anyway.


I%26#39;m a complete opposite. I can%26#39;t drink a beer when it%26#39;s not iced cold. Well let me rephrase that. I won%26#39;t turn down any beer cold or barely chilled.

I just prefer ICB. It refreshes me on a hot day. But then again I drink Bud Light which of course doesn%26#39;t have a ton of flavor anyway. I do like some of the non light beers, guiness, sam adams etc... but still like em%26#39; ice cold.

Second that, FT. Colder the better, it warms in your mouth, and boy they sure do warm up fast in the KW sun, so give me one at 33*F.

Colder the better. I will even use a koozie to keep it chilled.

I carry coozies in all my vehicles. Warm beer is about as exciting as cold coffee, IMO (which is to say NOT)

Since we%26#39;re talking about beer. Has Leinies Summer Shandy made it anywhere?


Hot day working in the yard. Sweaty, dirty and miserable. I normally do Whiskey when out for the evening BUT there%26#39;s nothing better than an ICB in the hot afternoon sun after hard days work! (This is an important medical solution to stave of heat stoke. It%26#39;s vital!)

I%26#39;m bringing my friend down in July. She only drinks bourbon / rocks, but you should have seen her on the Danger Charters trip, floating in her life vest after the kayak paddle with 1) an ICB, and 2) the world%26#39;s biggest grin.


I also like mine ice cold, and also carry a bottle coozy and a can coozy in my truck and the can coozy I have from Irish Kevins is the FIRST thing I grab when we are going out. I really like the can ones better because it can multi-task by putting cans or bottles in it, that%26#39;s the boyscout in me coming out.

I have a couple of mugs that my girlfreind bought from Crate%26amp;Barrel that are really thick glass, and the bottom is like 1'; of solid glass, they really hold the coldness when put in the freezer, so when you pour your favorite in it, you%26#39;ll get some ice floating to the top. I also put my mugs in the freezer wet.

Budlight in the summer and micro brews in the winter mostly.

Go %26amp; Do

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