Saturday, March 27, 2010

walkie talkies

Hi,does anyone know if walkie talkies bought in England work abroad ? We are visiting spain and Florida in the next year with our children and feel this is a safe method of keeping in touch.Thanks Liz

walkie talkies

How old are the kids cause even if you brought them over they might take them at the airport you might want to purchase more when you arrived in the states but even then there might be so many people on the same frequency so that might be a wate of time maybe you should think about disposable cell phone that you can purchase will you here

walkie talkies

Walkie Talkies transmit directly between themselves and will work anywhere. Bringing your own might be an advantage if they are set to a different frequency to the ones here - i.e. they will not pick up other walkie talkies. The only concern is if they use rechargeable batteries and the charger has to work off 220 volts. You will then need a transformer to be able to charge them here.

Of course, you can always buy a pair here. I think they can be found for about $25/pair. Check online at Walmart, Target, or Sears etc.

well... several families have your same idea... so your frequency might get interfered... but... you could do it.

It%26#39;s worth noting that Frequencies are licensed and regulated - therefore it might be illegal to use a UK frequency walkie in the US (and vice versa). They are as cheap as chips over there.

UK Walkie Talkies are likely to be illegal for use in the USA due to the different frequencies. However if you use them in Florida you will not get congested transmissions.

They have some great Walkie Talkies in WalMart from about $25 upwards for a pair.

We bought some last year at Gatwick airport (battery operated to get round the fact that we could not charge them when we took them the previous year). They worked fine in the parks, although we did not use them much. Had no problem getting them through American customs, they were in our hand luggage as we had bought them at the airport on the way over.

Don%26#39;t forget to turn them off while you are experiencing an attraction.(See post on cellphone use)

yeah I gotta say... they are really really really really annoying.

I am sorry, I tried to refrain from typing that first. but honestly... i think walkie talkies are more inapporpriate than cellphones. but thats just me.

yeah I gotta say... they are really really really really annoying.

I am sorry, I tried to refrain from typing that first. but honestly... i think walkie talkies are more inapporpriate than cellphones. but thats just me.

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