Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is this For REAL?

Is this for real? 2 - 1 day pass tickets to a particular park for $25?鈥?/a>

Let me know if you think this is legit. If so, its perfect for us...we are only going %26#39;1%26#39; day to %26#39;1%26#39; park.

Is this For REAL?

I would call lthe 877 before giving any info over the net. seems too god to be true...

Is this For REAL?

Dotz, if you give them a call can you let us know what they say? What strings are attached? I really wonder if this is legit at all? I%26#39;m traveling to Orlando in June for 2 days and would love to get a 1 day 1 park pass!


If you read the fine print way on the bottom .

This advertising material is being used for the purpose of soliciting sales of timeshare interests or plans.

Thats why it is so cheap you will have to go through a timeshare presentation.

Since this is a timeshare scheme, I%26#39;d forego doing this. Those things can sometimes wind up taking 1/2 day or more (not just the 90 minutes they advertise). It%26#39;s just not worth it.

timeshare presentation...of course! if you are willing to go thru this, I would hold off until you get to your hotel. I know several in the Downtown Disney area actually give you passes to get into a park free, specifically the Doubletree and a year or so ago the Grosvenor.

It%26#39;s right you just have to do the timeshare presentation in order to get them

A friend of mine recently returned from Orlando and was suckered into attending a timeshare presentation.... they were promised it would only take 90 minutes. 4 1/2 hours later they still weren%26#39;t finished and just walked out on the people and then got nothing for their time. They were only there on a 5 day trip so it really cut into the time they had planned to spend at a park. Unless you have a lot of time to spare, I wouldn%26#39;t do it.

Yes these timeshare presentations are coming with alot stricter rules now. They caught on to the fact, that people had caught on to them, and were standing in line just to get all the ';free'; stuff with no intention of buying at all. Now most of them will even revoke the offers of the discounted or free stuff that comes with it if they feel you have not paid enough attention during them.

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